Kinkajou: honey bear
Spiecies:flavus habitat Fifty degrees North to fifteen degrees South, and thirty-five degrees to sixty-five degrees in the Amazon Rainforest lives a mammal called the kinkajou. The kinkajou mostly sleeps in the upper canopy, hiding in the holes of the trees during the day napping. It's a cute little animal with the body grows from 16 to 30 inches; its tail grows from 15 to 33 inches. Its shoulder height is up to 10 inches and it weights 3 to 10 pounds. The Kinkajou |
The kinkajou is a solitary animal, which mostly travels alone. They don't travel in groups. Their lifespan is over 23 years. It's an omnivore and its typical diet is fruit, nectar, honey and insects. The kinkajou name came from the Indians, meaning " Honey Bear " because they love honey so much. Their prey is insects, birds, and small mammals. Predators to the kinkajou are people, big cats and birds of prey.
The adaptation, sharp claws help them to climb trees and their long tail to hang from tree to tree for their grip. Kinkajous' teeth are good for eating big food and ripping apart its food. They also hide in the upper branches from the birds of prey. It benefits from its environment by feeding on insects such as termites.
They are not endangered because people rarely see them. They sleep during the day and only come out at night. They don't travel in packs, they travel alone therefore it's hard to find one kinkajou at a time. Living in the thick vine tree and not coming out until night protects it.
The Amazon is a tropical rainforest. Each year the Amazon Rainforest gets about 9 feet of rain. During the months of maximum precipitation, broad areas traversed by the Amazon are subject to severe floods. The Amazon contains more species of fauna and flora than any other ecosystem in the world. Also, the Amazon basin covers more than 2.5 million square miles more than any other rainforest.
It's related to the raccoon family and the mountain coati. Where