To improve your wage you need to improve your skill. Employers are wanting people with better skills. They also like it when you improve and develop skills. Employers will give you a better chance than all of your other working associates to raise your wage because you have improved yourself and really improved your skills to be better than your working associates.
The skills that you could improve are like education, experience and natural talent. Those skills are the main ones that employers are looking for and if you improve them they would be more likely to give you a higher wage than your working associates. This would help you raise your wage. This is one of the reasons why minimum wage shouldn’t go up but to improve yourself …show more content…
He also proposed that we raise the wage for tipped workers. A lot more people want to raise the minimum wage than the ones that don’t want to. Three fourths of Americans would want an increase on minimum wage while 22% of the rest don’t want to. An entrepreneur named
Adams pays her employers $8. She thinks that raising minimum wage will have its pros and cons. She pays her part time employees more than her full time employees. If the minimum wage rises to $9 to $10 it would put a financial strain in her business and really hurt the business. An economic researcher in the University of Alabama named Ahmad Ijaz says that if there was more income for the workers the employers would have a higher price. In Seattle they raised the minimum wage to $11. The employers started reducing their employment and the hours. Caleb Lee works at an Olive Garden in Decatur as a table busser. He makes $5 an hour plus a percentage of sales. His average when making that is $8 to $9. He doesn’t know if there should be a raise in minimum wage or not. He thinks that if the rise of minimum wage causes issues to the company there would be a cut in …show more content…
The House Bill 396 would authorize for a county or municipality to establish a minimum wage. Linn County has been trying to see the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. The
Supervisors of Linn County has appointed workers and business leaders to find out and study the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage. The group consisted of twenty members. They were given six months to figure it out. The group ended up only needing three meetings to vote. They voted to raise the minimum wage only a dollar to $8.25. Ben Rogers, chair of the supervisors, didn’t want to hurry up and make the decision. Ben said that they should wait till they get the opinion of the larger cities in the county and make sure they are fine with it. Ron
Corbett is the mayor of Cedar Rapids and was one of the people appointed to the group that was studying minimum wage and proposed to raise the minimum wage a dollar from $7.25 to
$8.25. Another member of the group Sofia Mehaffey agreed to raise the minimum wage from
$7.25 to $8.25 as long as the supervisors agree to raise the minimum wage later on from $8.25 at a later time. She thinks that they will move past the minimum wage and is afraid that if they don’t do something now that they will start to fall behind from everyone else. Some of the