age. Also, raising the age to eighteen also means that people will start driving when legally an adult. By being in a car, but not being the one driving, the soon to be adults and drivers can learn from influences around them to learn safety, and proper ways of maneuvering an automobile. Teenagers tend to be more thrill seeking, which leads to making poor judgments such as using excessive speed, to many people in the car, and texting. All of aspects however, would decrease when the students is older and is more educated. The legal driving age should be raised from sixteen to eighteen because it will let students have more time to become comfortable in a car before getting on the road alone. Another case of why the legal driving law should be pushed to eighteen is because it could possibly prevent car accidents. One of the prime causes for car accidents are by drunk drivers. So, the theory is if people under eighteen are eliminated off the roads, the percentage of accidents would decrease. Also, when those young adults eventually travel onto the road, they will be better educated about the machine they are driving, and hopefully be old enough to understand to not drink and drive. A fact why the legal age should be moved to eighteen is to lower the percentage of car accidents by young adults. However, there are many topics for discussion that make it seem the legal driving age should stay right where it is. One reason is because if the law is moved to eighteen, students could actually end up having a lack of education. For example, teenager are being trained underage and can still be educated within high school classrooms. Also, students in high school have more free time, unlike if people would learning how to drive in college. Young adults would be just moving into college, and on top of everything, they would then have to learn how to drive; it is too much on their plate. However, teengers often think they have all the answers and tend to ignore advice for adults, so they are better off in college learning how to drive. Despit anything, the lawmakers should raise the legal driving age from sixteen to eighteen because the older people are, the wiser they become, and realize they can not do everything when they are a kid.
Lawmakers are considering raising the age for legal drivers from sixteen to eighteen.
This plan should transpire for a couple of reasons. The first is because students should learn more about the car before getting on the road by themselves. By delaying the age of legal drivers, the students will be able to learn from their superiors for an extra two years, and become wiser's drivers before heading out by themselves. A second reason is because it can possibly prevent car accidents. Most car accidents are caused by young drunk drivers on the road. If eliminating a portion of the population of drivers, that might lower the percentage of car accidents. If people want to see this change occur, they should contact their local newspaper and get citizens onboard to see the advantages in raising the age of legal drivers from sixteen to eighteen. The legal drivers age should be raised from sixteen to eighteen to create wiser drivers, and prevent less car