in a box. They went to the woods and said they were camping, not to a cave. Red Chief took the car and about racked it. The boy caught Bill on fire and put a snake in his covers. Red Chief bit Bill. Also in the movie, Sam had another little boy take the latter and Sam payed the ransom to the father. On the other hand, when the neighbors realized the Red Chief was back they disliked it. Red Chief would throw bricks at the animals and break peoples stuff. The neighbors’ didn’t like the boy. They were just fine that he was gone and wished he would have stayed gone. Now the he was back people would stay in their homes and keep their kids inside. They were scared of the boy.
in a box. They went to the woods and said they were camping, not to a cave. Red Chief took the car and about racked it. The boy caught Bill on fire and put a snake in his covers. Red Chief bit Bill. Also in the movie, Sam had another little boy take the latter and Sam payed the ransom to the father. On the other hand, when the neighbors realized the Red Chief was back they disliked it. Red Chief would throw bricks at the animals and break peoples stuff. The neighbors’ didn’t like the boy. They were just fine that he was gone and wished he would have stayed gone. Now the he was back people would stay in their homes and keep their kids inside. They were scared of the boy.