Executive Summary
The marketing plan is tied closely to the overall financial and business plan. This plan outlines a strategy for success, and breaks it down into comprehensible, actionable components that will enable The Sub Shop to implement marketing activities to provide a solid return on investment.
This plan is designed to complement the business plan, but is also a way for company officers to get a handle on the external and internal factors that will influence the company's success in the Ashland market. The following topics will help define how the company plans to differentiate the business and product offering from the competition, and describe the strategy that will drive its business forward.
Opening a franchise company has its joys and perils. While the built-in brand recognition is a big plus for a start-up, that brand has not reached the level of some of the largest fast food chains. The franchise brand may not provide the level of support expected from a larger franchise chain. With that said, the combined management experience, and synergy between the goals of the franchisor and the company's goals will lead to the long-term success of our franchise.
These are the marketing objectives:
To acquire 25% markets share in the Ashland region.
To position ourselves as a local company, with strong ties to the community.
To be perceived as the cleanest, most responsive Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) in Ashland.
Situation Analysis
The Sub Shop is a QSR, that resides somewhere between a fast food restaurant (FFR) and a sit down restaurant. This category is growing quickly, as people adjust to paying a little more than they would for typical fast food. While the differentiation between QSR's and traditional fast food may be transparent to most consumers, there has been a conscious shift in purchasing towards FFRs and QSRs that provide innovative menus and a selection of custom, or customizable menu items.