Absence is the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work. A worker is to be considered as scheduled to work when the employer has work available for him and the worker is aware of it. A worker is to be treated as absent for purpose of this absenteeism. Statistics even when he does not turn up for work after obtaining prior permission any worker who reports for duty even for a part of the day or shift should not be, counted among absentees. The statistics relate to only voluntary absenteeism defined as absence due to reasons, which are personal to the individuals concerned. As such, absence of a worker on account of strike or lockout or layoff, that is, involuntary absence is not considered as absence for purpose is not considered as absence for purpose of these absenteeism statistics. There are some contradictions in this definition. For example, on the one hand, it defines absenteeism as the failure worker to report for duty when he is scheduled to work. On the other hand, it says that a work is to be treated as absent even when he does not turn up for work after obtaining prior permission. This is an apparent contradiction because, when a worker is on authorized leave with prior permission how can he be considered as scheduled to work. In other words, inclusion of leave with prior permission in absenteeism does not seem just table
It appears, reasonable to include only those cases in absenteeism where a worker absents himself with prior permission. Can be included in absenteeism only it they are likely to disrupt the scheduled to work. Such leaves can be leave with out pay or leave on ESI certificate absenteeism is generally measured in the form of absenteeism rate. Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being an “absentee” and an absentee is one who habitually stays away from work. Two factors are taken in to consideration. The number of persons scheduled to work and the number of actually present. The phenomenon
References: Chapter VII: Annexure.