“I disagree with the statement Is the best politcal culture 'Traditional'. i personaly wouldnt like to live in a state or country with a traditional culture following reasons:
First. the reason i disagree with this statement is because in the traditional culture people like me dont have a say in whats going on in our political world. the only people the have the influence is people with power,moeny and social status. how can we trust that they are going to make the best decisions for all of us? who will hear us when we are having trouble finding jobs, housing, our roads fixed...? by the looks of the map that has been shown in this website it must work in 17 states along with other mix with other cultures. also it looks that this type of political culture only works in the south-east. if it were a good type of politial system why isnt it practice in every state?
second. Traditional culture is also know for a place of man power. The men are the ones in charge of the house. where as the women are not look apon as equals. just as before in our past years of culture where men where the alphamales, according to the history. in table 1-1 in pg.12 in our text books it shows the difference in percentage of women in legislator. it clearly shows that traditionalistic culture has a less percentage than the other two cultures. in south carolina alone is 9.4 percent are women. 9 women out off 100 people are in legistlation. that means for every 9 woman theres 91 men. does that seem fair in our day in age? where the women have fought for equal rights and have shown that women are equal too man.
Pg. 12 in 'Governing States and Localitties'
Third. Tradition is something that we all should have. it shows the growth of our values and goals that we wanna keep day in and day out. although that sounds promising in the