Reactive vs Proactive
Being a reactive person is exactly how it sounds. You react to everything; it can be in a no mannerly way or a respectful way. For example, you panic if you’re late to class. You’re always waiting for something to happen, and then you respond. It sounds very easy, right? Well actually it’s the easy way of life. If you’re not trying to succeed as a person, and just go by the bare minimum you’re reactive. You’ll put things off till the last minute. This is not how you should live your life by. On the other hand being proactive takes a lot more time but it helps you in the future. You take initiative. If something needs to be turned in on Friday you turn it in a couple days before hand. You make things happen. You’re an organized person. You set yourself goals for the future and have a plan on how you’re going to accomplish these goals. You’re always preventing problems instead of starting them. I know, seems complicated right?
A reactive person doesn’t not like change in their lives. They have a routine and don’t plan on changing it. Unlike a proactive person is always trying to change their lives for the better. Being proactive you help others learn from their mistakes, while being reactive you punish them for mistakes.
A reactive person is selfish and only cares about himself, but a proactive person puts others first and likes to hear what others have to say. Sometimes in life you need to be selfish but not a stingy selfish. Have your goals set and plan to accomplish those goals, and as your accomplishing them you help others around you. It may take a little more effort but in the long run it will be worth it. Be Proactive not reactive!