Pronunciation of ensconce
इन्स्कान्स / एन्स्कान्स
Meanings of ensconce
Show Transliteration noun 1. अच्छी तरह बैठ जाना verb 1. स्थापित करना
2. अच्छी तरह बैठ जाना
Inflected forms of ensconce ensconced (verb past tense) ensconcing (verb present participle) ensconces (verb present tense)
Definitions of ensconce verb 1. fix firmly enigma - meaning in Hindi
Pronunciation of enigma
अनिग्म / इनिग्म
Meanings of enigma
Show Transliteration noun 1. पहेली (f)
2. गूढ़ प्रश्न
3. पेचदार बात
Inflected forms of enigma enigmas (noun plural)
Definitions of enigma noun 1. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
- it remains one of nature's secrets
2. a difficult problem
Synonyms of enigma closed book, mystery, secret, brain-teaser, conundrum
Antonyms of enigma
No matches.
Additional matches adjective enigmatic
adverb enigmatically रहस्यमय ढंग से enigmatically रहस्यात्मक ढं blasphemy - meaning in Hindi
Pronunciation of blasphemy
Meanings of blasphemy
Show Transliteration noun 1. ईश-निन्दा
2. निन्दा (f)
3. ईश्वर निन्दा (f)
Inflected forms of blasphemy blasphemies (noun plural)
Definitions of blasphemy noun 1. blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred)
2. blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character abrogate - meaning in Hindi
Pronunciation of abrogate
ऐब्रगेट / ऐब्रगैट
Meanings of abrogate
Show Transliteration verb 1. रद्द करना
2. उठा देना
3. निराकरण करना
4. तोड़ देना
5. निष्प्रभाव करना
6. मिटा देना
7. निरस्त करना
Inflected forms of abrogate abrogated (verb past tense) abrogating (verb present participle) abrogates (verb present tense)
Definitions of abrogate verb 1. revoke formally reprieve - meaning in Hindi
Pronunciation of reprieve
रिप्रीव / रीप्रीव
Meanings of reprieve