Even though I do not enjoy writing, however I like reading some books for example The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Summer reading is one of the most painful things that high schoolers and middle schoolers are required to do over the summer. I will always dislike summer reading no matter what day it is. Twenty years from today I will still dislike all of those books I had to read over …show more content…
I first learned the alphabet in kindergarten. I was also taught phonics and how to write the letters correctly. Although I never really had the best handwriting and still do not have the best handwriting to this very day. Then, as I began to progress learned my name, then I moved onto smaller words like it or as just as everyone else usually does. In the third grade I was taught how to write using cursive letters. I do not and never completely learned how to write in cursive. My teacher tried her best, but I never really cared to learn as I still did not print my letters in the best handwriting to begin with. Then in first grade I learned numbers in Spanish and had weekly spelling tests on the weekly set of words. I had weekly spelling tests all through elementary school. Although I never really had to study for the spelling tests as I was taught phonics really well. Spelling has always been one of my strongest areas of English since elementary school. In middle school, I began to prepare for college. Although I was great at spelling in the fifth grade I was in the spelling bee. I did not do well in it because I lost on the word solemn. In the eighth grade I applied to be in the International Baccalaureate and was accepted. That began my journey to high school with a challenge that I would do the best that I can whether or not I plan or did continue in the program. Although I kept my grades up in every subject, but I seemed to struggle with Spanish. Spanish did not really become one of my best subjects until the tenth grade when I had a great Spanish teacher. Although my freshman year Spanish teacher has been one of the best, she never really could have helped me learn Spanish. Although I will give her credit with trying to help me whether it be after school tutoring or help me on the assignment. My writing was better after my sophomore year because my teacher really broke