Due: First Day of Class -- Ender’s Game……………………Discussion Questions (52 Pts)
Due: Third Day of Class -- Alas, Babylon…………………….Faux Facebook Page (70 Pts)
Due: Fifth Day of Class – Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet……….. Webquest (100 Pts)
*Please pay attention to the due dates. You will lose 10% per date late. After three days late, I will not accept the work in accordance with my late work policy.
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Discussion Questions for Ender’s Game
Step One. Find text references which address the following “fat” questions. Write down the page number and the first 6 words of the text. Then write your analysis of how the text relates to the question. This will be your preparation for our Socratic seminar about Ender’s Game. Students will be evaluated for their citation and analysis. Each question is worth 10 points, totaling 40 points.
1. Ender’s parents’ had to receive special permission to have a third child. What does this imply about society in the future? What can you infer has happened to society to get to this point?
2. One of the themes of Ender’s Game is the isolation of the gifted child. How is Ender isolated? Is the isolation Col. Graff puts him in justified?
3. Is genocide, or in the case of Ender's Game where an entire alien race is annihilated, xenocide, ever justified? Was the xenocide of the buggers inevitable?
4. Does Ender redeem himself from his violent actions towards humans? What about the buggers? Why or why not? (Notice this is a two part question)
Note that the questions are open-ended rather than recall; this allows for discussion. We call these “fat” questions as opposed to “skinny” questions. Recall questions are “skinny.” Ex. Skinny-- Who tormented Ender when he lived at home? Fat—How did
Ender’s earlier torment and bullying prepare him to be a leader?
Step Two. Now you are going