On Your Own
Vocabulary Strategies
Directions for Reading #1 and #2: After reading each passage, use vocabulary strategies to define the key words that are listed in the boxes below each passage. Proofread your answers before uploading the exercise to the Dropbox for this week.
Reading #1: Improved Eating for the College Student
Food Allergy or Food Intolerance
At some point in time, food allergies or food intolerance will affect nearly everyone. You eat something, develop gas, or have an unpleasant visit to the bathroom, and assume that it is a food allergy. One out of every three people today either say they have a food allergy or avoid something in their diet because they think they are allergic to it; in fact, only three percent of all children and one percent of all adults experience genuine allergic reactions to what they eat. Surprised? Most people are when they hear this.
A food allergy, or hypersensitivity, is an abnormal response to a food that is triggered by the immune system. Reactions range from minor rashes to severe swelling in the mouth, tongue, and throat, to violent vomiting and diarrhea and occasionally death.
In adults, the most common foods to cause true allergic reactions are shellfish (such as shrimp, crayfish, lobster, and crab); peanuts, which can cause severe anaphylaxis (a sudden drop in blood pressure that can be fatal if not treated promptly); tree nuts, such as walnuts; fish; and eggs. In children, food allergens that cause the most problems are eggs, milk, and peanuts.
In contrast to allergies, in cases of food intolerance, you may have symptoms of gastric upset, but they are not the result of an immune system response. Probably the best example of food intolerance is lactose intolerance, a problem that affects about one in every ten adults. Lactase is an enzyme in the lining of the gut that degrades lactose, which is in dairy products. If you don’t have enough lactase, lactose cannot be