When it is snack or lunchtime, the children is asked to visit the toilet as well as to wash their hands, before coming to the table for their meals, in an orderly fashion.
The setting used meal and snack times to encourage the children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
To protect children with food allergies, sharing or swapping of food between children are discourage.
Staff joins the children during lunch, and tries to make the occasion an enjoyable and sociable time for everyone and at the same time ensure there is not any rowdiness.
The children is encourage either by words or action by the staff how good table manners are. For example, not talking when our mouths are full or stretching across the table to get something.
When packed lunches are brought into the setting for lunch, parents are informed about our policy on healthy eating and is encouraged to put healthy items in their lunch boxes. The setting reserve the right to return food considered unsuitable, to the parent as a last resort.
19.3.2Describe with examples ways of encouraging children and young people:
Present food attractively
Involved children in growing food
Serve realistic portions
Encouraging children to eat food provided for them
Eat with children
Respect reasonable likes and dislikes
Negotiate realistic expectations
Involved children in the shopping, making menus and preparing of food
A colorful collection of fruits on a white plate, for e.g. contrasting strawberries against avocadoes, will present a more attractive display. In the summer where space allows it, children can grow vegetables e.g. potatoes, carrots and radishes. It is also possible to grow salad indoors during the winter months in window boxes. Adults should eat with the children during lunch, making the meal an enjoyable and sociable occasion. This does not mean loud