The two young boys are really symbols of heightened imagination and senses in that they see objects, such as an orange, in a very different way than an adult. The children say, "We're getting a cold," instead of saying, "We want an orange." The orange was as precious as a piece of candy and they felt that an excuse must be given to obtain it. The orange again takes on a new role as a role of healing, and relief. The author stirred my memories and experience as a child, which are like these boys' experiences. When I was in Japan, I got a cold many times. Each time I told my mom, "I'm getting a cold," instead of saying, "I want a melon." The melon fruit is harvested only in summer. It is very expensive and very rare in winter. However, I could eat the melon only a few times, and the best way to obtain it was when I was perhaps sick.
Snow white and orange colors contrast death and life. "The mere color" of white does not give existence of a life. The white can invoke imagines of a dead person's face and body, and