One of the ways in which reality is constructed in The Shadow Lines (1988) is by the use of detail. For one Amitav Ghosh naturalizes the text by ample use of facts that exist as facts even without the text. By placing the text in a real historical time, that is, post colonial India which was marked with several historical circumstances like the partition and riots that did in fact happen he creates a realistic situation for his characters to evolve around in the story. He uses dates as a means to create a timeline of the characters to match with that of an actual historical timeline (The story begins with ‘In 1939, thirteen years before I was born…’). The story is also placed in a very real Calcutta, London and Bangladesh and reference to real places in these cities like Gole Park, Dhakuria overbridge and Gariahat Road in Calcutta (pg 8, 9) and Lymington road in West Hampstead only add to the reality effect. The author also talks about newspapers – specific newspapers from specific time frames (pg 224 ‘I turned the pages to the edition of Saturday, 11 January 1964, and sure enough, there was a huge headline...’).
Besides facts the author also...