The research paper shows how reality TV provides negative values. Many people watch reality shows for entertainment. With hundreds of choices to choose from Reality TV has taken over TV in a big way. There is even a station called Reality TV that airs Reality shows all day every day. In a society where the television has become a substitute baby sitter for some family’s children are being subjected to negativity on a daily basis. 20 years ago, all parents had to worry about was dramatized violence on TV and in video games. Today, with the amount of reality shows on television children can see to the real thing. With shows like Jersey Shore, and Real World showing partying all the time, younger viewers will think it is ok to do the same. These are just a few examples of the shows that are discussed in this paper.
“These shows may be profitable, but the primary basis for many of them seems to be to put people in painful, embarrassing or humiliating situations for the rest of us to watch -- and, presumably, be entertained. This assault on our intelligence is not healthy for the soul or our kids. I worry that we are turning our young people into callous, uncaring individuals who delight in the discomfort and humiliation of others. Instead, we should be encouraging young people to reach out to others less fortunate, who need our empathy, help and prayer. We should also be introducing young people to different "reality stars" who have overcome great
References: 1) The Real History of Reality TV Or, How Alan Funt Won the Cold War Written by Charles B. Slocum, WGAW Assistant Executive Director 2) 'Reality TV ' numbs real-life empathy James Key. USA TODAY. McLean, Va.: Jul 30, 2010. pg. A.9 3) At * Issue Mass Media Reality TV – Edited by Lankford, Ronnie D. (2008) Richard Breyer, Professor at the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University Greenhaven Press page 15