I am writing to draw your attention to the urgent matter of Federation and its unquestionably destructive effect on our people, our nation and our lives.
Federation is another scam of an idea aimed to undermine, smaller colonies, like mine Tasmania. By enforcing this notion iscolated colonies like South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania will be overpowered and forced to follow the rules of New South Wales and Victoria which is basically unacceptable. These new laws should not be enacted as people will have to become second best to the bigger nations and by doing so we will definitely be ignored, loose our say, our interests and our thoughts on matters important to us. This also means the laws our people have learnt, followed and set up will be wiped clean with new laws that we don’t have a say in, how does this help us, it doesn’t. Every decision that will get made because of Federation affects our lifestyle, what we know and love, our territory and the simple right to be able to govern ourselves. Once again Tasmania will receive the short end of the stick resulting in domination by Nsw and Vic based on the fact they are bigger, have more money and power, which is going to affect us deeply.
Federation means a new government will have to be put in place, which means more money will need to be sourced from the people in order to get it started. The fact of the matter is a new government means higher taxes for the working class and the need to duplicate politicians to fill more spaces. To achieve this new federation enormous funds will be sought after by the new Government in order for them to build new a new parliament, start a capitol, which will probably be in Nsw anyway and use money for petty little things like new furniture. It also means we will need to fill new political seats so every colony can supposedly be represented fairly, which is a fat chance. By doing this it means even more money will need to be sourced,