This behavioral intention will be dependent on the person’s attitude towards the behavior and their perception concerning social norms. Theory of Reasoned Action is most commonly applied to the development of clinical intervention designed to change the persons thinking about drug addiction. For the opioid users, the intention is to obtain the feelings of euphoria associated with the drug use. Attitudes and subjective norms aid in predicting whether or not a person will engage in negative behaviors, such as substance abuse. Based on this theory, the intention to perform the behavior will precedes the actual drug abuse …show more content…
The Theory of Reasoned Action has been directly correlated to drug addiction in many studies and research. The theory is useful for identifying a limited set of variables which can account for a considerable proportion of the variance in any given behavior (Fishbein, 2008). In fact, the integrative model of behavioral prediction employs the use of the Theory of Reasoned Action by supporting the belief the intention is a precedent to the behavior and different environmental factors can influence the behavior (Fishbein,