Main Points - I will discuss the general theory of harm reduction and its principles, its criticisms, and alternate treatment models for substance abuse.
General theory of harm reduction and its principles group of policies and programs
Canadian Center on Substance Abuse - Principles focus on harms pragmatism humanistic values priority of immediate goals
Jim Zelaya-Wagner - harm reduction triangle
International Harm Reduction Association - two main criticisms keeps addicts stuck ex. methadone maintenance treatment promotes drug use many factors shape decisions to use fundamental feature of HR is harm
Alternate treatment models twelve-step of AA honest relationship with themselves and others, and also a connection to a power greater than themselves main goal: abstinence three key components for sobriety what is the problem? addiction - step 1
What's the solution? sought through the acceptance of a greater power that can restore us to sanity - step 2 step 3 - take action to recover most widely used and attendance positively correlated with abstinence biggest problem is the rejection of a higher power medicine antidepressants widespread use psychological dependence pre existing conditions methadone - physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal recommended as a holistic approach
Summary - Harm reduction is just one of many approaches to addiction treatment that has shown great success in reducing the harms associated with drug use. While nothing goes without its critics, harm reduction