October 21, 2014
English 124
Outline for Speech to Inform
Attention Getter: John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, John Quincy, Andrew Johnson, Chester Arthur, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford are all formal presidents of the United States who had suffered from Stroke.
Credibility: My 29 years old sister suffered from a stroke 2 years ago. I was her primary care taker and majority of information used for her treatment came from Mayo Clinic.
Benefits: Early action can minimize brain damage and potential complications. The good news is that stroke can be treated and prevented.
Thesis: Today I am going to explain the acronym F A S T. These letters represent the signs to watch out for when someone may be developing a stroke. F stands for face, A stands for the arms, S stands for speech and T stands for time. It will briefly outline the most common types of strokes; ischemic, hemorrhagic and transient strokes.
The first sign of detecting a stroke is the face.
Drooping mouth could be signs of a stroke waiting to happen.
Drooping may occur at the eyes, usually on one side.
Not uncommon for both the mouth and the eyes to droop at the same time.
If uncertain about the droop, ask the individual to smile. The smile should be an even curve.
Drooping ear is not a sign of a stroke that is from staying on the phone too long.
The second sign is the arms.
The affected arm my feel weak.
This weakness is often accompanied by numbness.
It is also not uncommon for the leg on the same side of the body to suffer the same sign.
The third sign is speech.
Slurred speech is a sign of a stroke in cases where the individual is not under the influence of medication or other substances.
The person usually faces difficulties speaking and may be hard to understand.
The inability of the tongue to assist with pronunciation is another sign of an impending stroke.
The fourth sign is time.
Once any or all of the above sign appear, medical