unity. Flora Tristan, a political activist, states that if the people come together and unify, then,…
Myra Willard’s 1920’s context influences her view that the ‘White Australia Policy’ was valid to ensure that the Australian population formed a stable society and a strong sense of nationalism. Willard states that the reasoning for the ‘White Australia Policy’ originated from the 1850’s gold rush era. It was believed the policy needed to be established as countries, including America, struggled with the influence of non-white races. The 19th Century thought that continued into Willard’s context was that “British-Australian nationality” (as cited in Gare and Ritter, 2008, p.261) needed to be maintained for the sake of Australia’s future. When first established, the policy’s main objective was to preserve the British presence in the colonies.…
Australia's collective desire of nationalism as well as patriotism lead to its formation as a federation and this willingness to unify the divided colonies was a reflection of an ulterior, racist purpose. Federation is the act of constituting a political unity out of a number of separate colonies or states. Before Australia's eventual federation on January 1 of 1901, there had been years of debate, since the idea was first introduced in Sydney during an inter-colonial conference until its implementation almost twenty years later, on whether or not Australia should federate. Prior to 1901 the country was divided into 6 separate, self-governing colonies, each ultimately under Britain's rule and numerous politicians had been pushing for Australia to federate and after being initially rejected during a conference in Melbourne in 1899 it was later given Royal Assent on 9 July, 1900. There were a number of reasons that opposed the idea to federate. Fears of smaller colonies being overpowered, patriotic feelings towards a particular colony, the cost of running a central parliament would be too high, as well as rising hostilities between colonies. However the grounds in favour of the idea for a federal government took precedence, almost all revolving around a very prejudicial concept. Australia had a very strong sense of nationalist pride, the desire to become a unified nation. They wished to evolve from their origin as second class convicts and uphold the British way of life. This is reflected in their motives to federate: to create a unified immigration legislation to restrict the entry of non-Europeans and creating tariff barriers to protect Australian from foreign contest. Furthermore, supporters of federation reasoned that it was part of ones patriotic duty to keep the nation "snowy" white and that it was vital to maintain the purity of their race. "The Mongolian Octopus - His Grip on Australia," a cartoon published by Bulletin Magazine in 1886 was a mode of…
There were also many international and domestic problems involved with the Articles of Confederation. The United States lacked the military power to be able to defend itself against Britain and Spain. The British still occupied their forts near the Great Lakes area, and congress found it very difficult to negotiate territory with Spain. Under the new form of government, we had no judicial system or executive branch, but we did have a legislative branch. Our congress was unicameral, meaning it had one house, which was the senate. Because the states were acting as individual countries, they seldom agreed with…
The first Act of Parliament passed after Federation was the Immigration Restriction Act (1901), better known as the “White Australia Policy”. The intention was to promote a homogenous population similar to that in Britain. Under “White Australia” only Europeans, and then mainly northern Europeans, could immigrate to Australia.…
Federalism has been renovated to meet modern stability and progress. An advantage for the establishment of federalism include the closer ties between people and government…
Federation encouraged many changes in the Australian society. Colonies believed that they could defend themselves if they united with the economy. Transport made it easier to travel and transport goods interstate. There was also growth in national pride. In this essay it will display how these courses of action led to federation.…
Which of most of them saw themselves as British citizens who just lived in separate colonies. They were then not motivated to create a new nation. Also the New South Wales colony feared that if Australia were to federate the government would relax on immigration laws and allow more non-white people in. Many of them argued that they were better off remaining a white colony on their own. They were also jealous that the colony of Victoria would get the capital city (Melbourne).…
In January 1901, the six separate, self-governing colonies of Australia united in federation, consequently creating the continent- nation, the Commonwealth of Australia. A constitution was drawn up modelled similarly, upon the British and American constitutions. As an outcome of federation, the life of the separate states, and individual citizens shifted. Edmund Barton, the introductory prime minister of federal government supported the growth of the nation 's economy, and developed the creation of a fused defence system. In the following subsections, we will discuss the reasons for the states, desiring federation, and the benefits they obtained, in signing the historical Commonwealth of Australia Act in the June of 1900[Western Australia signed…
For much of Australia’s history until Federation, British immigrants had composed a significant proportion of the population. Australia experienced an influx in Chinese immigration during the 1850s gold rushes and many people wanted to maintain a strong British heritage in Australia. British Australians were afraid that any available jobs would be taken by Asian immigrants, as they were prepared to work for less pay than British Australians. Queensland allowed the immigration of indentured labourers from the South Pacific islands to work in the cane fields. This created a fear among “white” Australians of racial conflict occurring in Australia, with the recent American civil war fresh in peoples minds. A fear of exotic disease and illness being introduced was common in British Australians, despite the number of diseases they had introduced when settling…
failure under the Articles to get favorable trade agreements with foreign nations. Because the credibility of the Federal government was weak, meaning it was not sovereign in the Confederation and it did not represent the people as a whole.…
Trouble with trade was another problem. Britain wanted free trade no taxes. The British North American colonies did not agree. If Britain demanded free trade and no taxes how would the colonies get their money for all the goods that they were producing? The only way to end this is confederation. If they came together as a strong central government they would no longer be controlled by Britain so they wouldn’t be forced into free trade, they could still get profit for their goods. Also the colonies could freely trade with each other because now no longer are they competition they are all part of the same nation working together.…
Unionization was one of the major social developments of the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Unions were the workers response to big corporations. Early labor leaders pushed for an eight hour work day, an end to child…
Until 1842 labor unions were illegal. In 1890 the Sherman act was passed that outlawed monopolies. Because people were trying to get fair wages and fait working conditions people promoted the labor union. In order to achieve what they wanted workers would go on strike. Some failed but some also prevailed. An example of one strike that worked was one against the railroads in 1886 where the owner had to restore the wages he had cut. One that didn’t work was in Chicago against the McCormick Reaper Works that lead to the Haymarket riots where many people including police men were killed or injured.…
The states maintained the rights to levy taxes and regulate commerce. This lead to another issue because these two rights were how states made money and if they did not make money during time of war there would not be enough money generated to fund the fight and the federal government could do nothing about this because the state had more power.…