
Reasons Why John Left To Die

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Reasons Why John Left To Die
John was one of the great preachers of all the ages. Yet for the Gospel sake he was put in prison. Herod Antipas put John in prison for denouncing his wicked marriage with Herodias, and won the enmity of the Pharisees. His marriage was considered wicked for she had been the wife of Herod’s brother Phillip, Luke 3:19. Herodias would have had him killed sooner but Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man; a holy one. He actually observed him and heard him when he spoke. John was a source of information for him but Herodias wanted his head on a platter.

It was a mystery to John why Jesus allowed him to linger in prison. He finally sent two of his Disciples to Jesus to find out why he was left to die in Luke 7:18-19. John indeed served
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Just as Jesus John was revered by the people while being derided by the Pharisees and Sadducees; whom he had called broods of snakes as they were. Jesus task were made easier by what
John did. John died before the events connected with the death and resurrection of Christ and the coming of the great Holy Spirit at te great Pentecost.

Have you ever been in a position where you needed someone, anyone, to be there and no one was there? No one would answer their phone, answer there doors? Well guess what? We can call on God and He is always there to answer our call. Jesus knew that rather he was at home with his mother Mary, in the Temple, on the street ministering to people, healing them or rebuking them that his Father was there.

He was in His purpose and accepted it. He knew that He was not alone though because God was with Him. We are overcomers because of Christ. He left us with the peace of God knowing of the tribulations and test we would face. Jesus knew that the Disciples meant well but he knew what they would do. When Jesus too was left to die, only his mother and one Apostle, John who Jesus gave charge of his mother too (John 19:26) was at the Cross of death. He saw the blood and water run out of Jesus side when the Roman soldier

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