One day at recess, I climbed all the way to the top just like I always did, and I looked all around me at the kids playing on the playground. They were all laughing and running around having fun. I wonder when it will be time to go back inside? I thought. Just then a loud noise filled the playground.
“TWEEEEEEEET!!” The whistle blew letting us kids now it was time to go back to our classrooms. I have gotten done many times before and I always knew what I was doing. I climbed through the hexagon hole at the top and hung there. Then I started climbing down like how you would on the monkey bars. I was still a ways at the top when suddenly my left arm gave out so I was only hanging there with my right arm. but when I tried to swing my left arm back up my right arm let go.
I was falling then all of the sudden I hit the ground landing right on my right arm. All of the sudden, I blacked out. When I woke up I didn’t know what was going on. All I knew was my right arm …show more content…
What I meant by go tell the teacher was go get help but I didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything he just ran off. I should get up he’s probably not going to come back, I thought. To get out you had to crawl through one of the hexagon holes. I could barely even get to my hands and knees but once I did, I could only crawl with one arm. Once I got out I had to use the bubble to help me stand up. I started out walking slowly I had to keep my balance. I was so dizzy, I felt like I was going in circles while was walking. I had just made it on time to go back inside before they closed the