Recommendation Brief for an Internal Accountant
Currently, a client with an out-of-control system is grasping for a change in order to regain their internal controls. For any company, internal controls are highly important for success. Internal controls assist with minimizing mistakes and dishonesty; however will not completely eliminate them. The client has an out-of-control system in operation and will definitely benefit from having an internal accountant. Therefore, it is extremely recommended that a well-qualified internal accountant be hired by the company.
An internal accountant will provide management with the necessary information needed to handle issues that arise, as well as preform system audits to maintain internal accountability. Setting forth a reliable internal audit system will build stability within the company and assist with violations occurring with laws and regulations. The role of an internal accountant will include, but are not limited to, working closely with the owners and department managers to evaluate the company’s performance in the most vital areas of operation and review the policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with the company’s mission and goals. More specifically, the internal accountant will evaluate the assets, financial accuracy, and that the standards of the government and industry are being followed correctly. The internal accountant will also serve as a security measure for the company and their assets.
To directly describe the responsibility of an internal accountant the first action would be to assess the current system and create a plan of action to correct it. The audit will be focusing on deficiencies and areas of improvement. The plan will consist of correcting the items found to be working against the company and implementing suggested changes within. Once the internal accountant has
References: FDIC. (2013, September 16). FDIC LAws, Regulations, Related Acts. Retrieved from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: