Cheayanne Joie C. Almazan
A case study presented to the faculty of the Department of Management, College of Economics, Management, and Development Studies, Cavite State University, Indang Cavite, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Human Resource Development Management with Contribution Number _______. Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Cecilia T. Cayao.
Every person has different motivations for working. But, we all work because we obtain something that we need from work. The something we obtain from work impacts our morale and motivation and the quality of our lives. Employers understand that they need to provide a work environment that creates motivation in people. But, many employers fail to understand the significance of motivation in accomplishing their mission and vision (Heathfield, n.d).
Motivation is a process of encouraging an employee to perform better and reach higher goals. The idea behind motivation is that employees in an organization need to be given a consideration to work. To some extent, a high level of employee motivation is derived from effective management practices. To develop motivated employees, a manager must treat people as individuals, empower workers, provide an effective reward system, redesign jobs, and create a flexible workplace.
In business, a good manager knows how to motivate his employees to go beyond company goals and expectations. The company needs to implement motivational strategies to inspire employees, without taking too much time from the company 's bottom line. Most of the time, the salary of the employee is enough to keep him or her working for a company. An employee must be motivated to work for a company. If no motivation is present in an employee,
References: Garcia, M. 2011. Hyundai Alabang, Inc. Automobile Trade Industry.Field Study. Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. CLASSOF1, 2011. Motivational strategies. human_resource_management/motivational strategies/ Retrieved December 18, 2012. Cliffsnotes. Motivation strategies.,articleId-8911.html.Retrieved December 18, 2012. Heathfield,SusanM.EmployeeMotivation. March 2, 2013. HWA. Motivational Strategies, Help with assignment., Retrieved December 18, 2012. Lacoma, Tyler. Different motivational strategies in the workplace Retrieved December 18, 2012. Lindner, James. R. 1998. Understanding employee motivation. Journal of extension.Vol.36.No.3 Research in brief Retrieved December 18, 2012. Dongho, Kim. 2006. Seoul Journal of Business Volume 12, Number 1 (June 2006) Hyundai Alabang, Inc. Company Profile (Powerpoint slides). HWA. Motivational Strategies, Help with assignment., Retrieved December 18, 2012.