2.1 Recruitment
Employer Branding
Employer branding is the process of establishing employer identity directed at existing and potential employees, in order to differentiate the firm from its competitors (Sivertzen, Nilsen & Anja 2013). Nowadays, organizations realized that talents are scarce and recruiting the best talents will serve as a competitive advantage over competitors (Love & Singh 2011). Practicing employer branding is a must for organization to establish the favorable and desirable organizational image and identity, in order to attract and hire the best talent (Polyhart 2006; Sivertzen, Nilsen & Anja 2013).
According to the Senior Manager of Recruitment, Baboo (2014, pers. comm. 15 May), Deloitte Malaysia had divided the employer branding process into 3 parts, which is attraction, acquisition and integration. In the attraction part, the organization had developed various strategies and executed relevant steps to differentiate them from other competitors. The most significant strategy is the advertisement ‘What’s your Deloitte’ (Appendix C1). Based on a research by ACRA (2012), 65% of audit staffs surveyed indicated that they intend to leave their current audit firm within 3 years. Baboo (2014, pers. comm. 15 May) stated that Deloitte Malaysia understand and acknowledged that employees will eventually move away from one job to another,