Red & Purple The CTA Red line and Purple line have been around for a century, and now their durability is running out. CTA have proposed multiple plans for fixing the stations and tracks. There are four plans; no action, basic rehabilitation, modernization, and modernization without consolidation. All of these plans do have a supportive reason on why it should be chosen, but modernization without consolidation is the strongest option.
Modernization without consolidation does have some similar benefits as modernization. For example, A Durability of sixty to eighty years; fully addresses safety and accessibility, wider platforms, replacement of all track structures unless recently built, and sixteen out of twenty straightened curves. Modernization without consolidation is better choice for jobs provided, CTA users and more Station options. For example, if modernization was passed the removal of some stations can affect people schedules for work for those who walk to their station; also the potential work at the station will be lost. Modernization may have slightly better improvements on the Red and Purple line, but not enough to change my opinion.
Basic rehabilitation, this minimum repair is potentially great for low budget place like Illinois; also there will be no risk of homes being destroyed. Some would say this is perfect for Illinois, because of their record of not being able to pay their debts. Looking at basic rehabilitations for budget in longevity; this will only last twenty years while the other two modernization options are sixty to eighty years. This means more money will be spent in the long run by not choosing modernization. Homes near these rail lines tend to be very noisy. Their maybe a chance that the population in these homes isn’t high and they may even be abandoned.
No action is the worst option here. This will show that the CTA does not care about its citizen’s safety; they only want to save millions of