This is seen in the division of jobs among groups of individual in society. Under the Shang dynasty, craft districts with people who worked as artisans flourished in Zhengzhou city (#). The preparation and interpretation of oracle bones are not done by just anyone, but are reserved for priests who served the royal family (*). In early Longshan culture, individuals who worked the potter wheels do not also cultivate rice and wheat because farmers exclusively do the job (#). As for the construction of city walls and subterranean houses, they are done by the builders and the architects alone. Once again, ancient China meets the requirement of full-time specialization outlined in the Redman-Childe list. The last criteria states that there must be a centralized area occupied by large populations with a unified form of government. Under the Shang dynasty, there are numerous urban centers with a central palace for government administration located in Zhengzhou city (#). These fulfill the requirement of a large population and a unified political organization. However, later in the course of ancient Chinese history, there are independent states that arised under the Zhou …show more content…
Indeed, there are some forms of political organizations present, but do they meet the criteria of having a centralized and unified form of government? This brings into question the legitimacy of the Redman-Childe list. The list only lays out the criteria in an either-or manner, leaving all other civilizations that do not fall into the either-or condition as not adequate enough to be considered a true civilization. Ancient China meets all of the first three requirements, but shows qualities of both decentralized and centralized states, so does that mean it is not considered to be a civilization? The purpose of the list is to establish a set of criteria in categorizing what truly defines a civilization. However, the qualities that make a civilization a civilization cannot be easily quantified and defined like the Redman-Childe list portrays them to be. Hence, the Redman-Childe list is biased because it hinders the recognition of any deviating cultural entity as a civilization. In developing a list, Redman and Childe are hoping to standardize the way we look at a civilization or any cultural entity for that