Elisabeth Avryanne S. Indonesia is a country that is incredibly famous for its heterogeneous culture. The relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties (Leveridge).
Formerly, in colonial era, Dutch language became the main language that was spoken by educated elite of Indonesia. Malay language was spoken at the time of independent by native speakers. In 1942, Japanese occupied Indonesia and forbade the use Dutch language for any purpose. When Indonesian independence was proclaimed on August 17th, 1945, after the surrender of the Japanese at the end of World War II, Indonesian language was designated the sole national language of the new nation (Paauw, 2009).
It is surprisingly enjoyable to be raised in such an exciting city as Magelang. People who live here are mostly Javanese. Unfortunately, I myself could not speak Javanese language well. I am accustomed to speak Indonesian language. I was taught to speak Indonesian language in my daily conversation. My parents thought that it is better for me to speak Indonesian language to the elders rather than Javanese language. At that time, I was not good in "krama inggil" (the highest grade of Javanese language) that was why I prefer to speak Indonesian language rather than Javanese language. That is why I recognize that Bahasa Indonesia is my first language.
I was educated in my hometown, Magelang. Formerly, I used to study in Tarakanita Elementary School. In my third grade, I learned English for the first time. It was fun and I really enjoyed it. In addition, I also learned Indonesian language and Javanese language since I was in my first grade of elementary school. Language is thus part of a social process (Croft). As it is a process, it should be done continuously. Besides, I also joined an immersion class when I was in junior high school. I was very afraid. I had no strength to imagine how I could
References: Leveridge, A. (___).The Relationship Between Language & Culture and the Implications for Language Teaching. Retreived from http://edition.tefl.net/articles/teacher-technique/language-culture/ on Monday, 29thof April 2013. Paauw, S. (2009). One Land, One Nation, One Language: An Analysis of Indonesia’s National Policy. The Journal of Language Science Vol. 5, No. 1 Retrieved from http://www.bcs.rochester.edu/cls/s2009v5n1/Paauw.pdf on Monday, 29th of April 2013. Croft, W. (___).Language as a Process. Retrieved from http://www.google.co.id/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stanford.edu%2F~mcdm%2FCLRF%2Fabstracts%2F05-Croft.doc&ei=GGKGUc_TCcTqrQeQkoHoCQ&usg=AFQjCNGrcXGpHLvttdyDgL4PQ1olQIwKMg&bvm=bv.45960087,d.bmk on Monday, 29th April 2013. Savitzky, F. (1994). Bilingual Children: a Guide for Parents and Carers. Retrieved from http://www.exploringabroad.com/articles/child-tips.htm on Monday, 29thof April 2013 Elisabeth Avryanne S. 111214093