Micro-Teaching and the Use of Technology
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in Elementary Education
October 10, 2013
(Author’s Own Words)
Table of Contents
Field Study 3 is a one unit course. It is the third stage of the sequential approach of the extended practicum program. FS 3 links with the 6-unit Principles of Teaching I and II in the professional studies. FS 3 gives the pre-service teachers the opportunity to practice child-friendly attitudes as they observe the applied principles, methods, strategies, approaches to teaching, the art of questioning, and skills in responding to questions. Indicators of effective teaching and learning shall be carefully observed.
It is expected that pre-service teachers will learn from their observations and can practice these observations through micro-teaching. Micro-teaching involves the PST in working with small group of learners in three ways: tutorial teaching, remedial teaching and enhancement teaching.
In the first mode of micro-teaching, the pre-service teacher provides tutoring sessions under the guidance of the cooperating teacher. This is done with 1 to 3 learners per teacher, while in the second mode, the remedial teaching is provided to 3 to 5 learners. The final mode of micro-teaching shall demonstrate a particular strategy in presenting a lesson in enhancement teaching. A microteaching lesson guide shall be prepared by the PST’s with the guidance of the Cooperating Teachers. The PST’s are required to use technology in the preparation and delivery of instructional materials.
The micro-teaching activities may be conducted either during or outside of regular class hours but must be under the guidance of the Cooperating teacher.
Course Description
This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning through microteaching. It shall also provide exposure and hands on opportunities in the use of instructional or communication technology in tutorial, remedial, and enhancement teaching. Tutorial teaching focuses on the application of appropriate tutoring skills like explaining, demonstrating, providing feedback and checking understanding. Remedial teaching starts from the difficulties of the learners where interpretation, explanation and demonstration of relevant points are done. Enhancement teaching is a practical strategy of augmenting a lesson incorporated in microteaching. Microteaching is the application of being a child-friendly teacher. This includes addressing student-diversity through gender-sensitivity, inclusiveness, and non-discriminating traits by the pre-service teacher.
Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the pre-service teacher is expected to:
1. Have applied the principles of teaching in tutorial, remedial and enhancement activities.
2. Have used appropriate technology by selecting and preparing the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners.
3. Have developed and utilized instructional materials appropriate to a chosen lesson in microteaching.
4. Have made reflections in their journal writings indicating realizations and insights related to the microteaching experiences and their use of technology in it.
Expected Outcomes
Classroom observation (3)
Tutorial classes (2)
Remedial classes (2)
Enhancement classes (2)
Journal writing (6)
A Bank or Portfolio of varied Microteaching aids and the Microteaching Plan (Lesson Guide)
Links to DepEd’s National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS):
Domain 2- Learning Environment
2.1 Creates a healthy psychological climate for learning.
Domain 3- Diversity of Learning
3.1 Determines, understands and accept the learners’ diverse background knowledge and experience. 3.2 Demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners.
Domain 4 – Curriculum 4.1 Demonstrates mastery of the subject. 4.2 Communicates clearly learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners
2.2 Selects teaching methods, learning activities, and instructional materials and Resources appropriate to learners and aligned to objectives of the lesson.
Domain 5 – Planning, Assessing, Reporting 5.1 Develops and utilizes creative and appropriate instructional plan. 5.2 Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and Evaluate learning.
FS 3
Schedule of Activities
Time Frame/Site
Classroom Observations on:
1. CT’s strategies and art of questioning
2. Learners behaviour, multiple intelligences, responses to questioning techniques
3. Workshop on the preparation of CT’s and PST’s instructional materials that incorporate the use of technology
3 hours/Cooperating School
Observation of teaching modelled by the CT
Prepare lesson 1
Tutorial teaching
3 hours/Cooperating School
Teach lesson 1
Prepare lesson 2 and the instructional materials to be used
Remedial teaching
3 hours/Cooperating School
Teach lesson 2
Prepare lesson 3 and the instructional materials to be used
Enhancement teaching
3 hours/Cooperating School
Teach lesson 3
Post conference with the CT
Debriefing Activity
3 hours/Cooperating School
Grading System
Rater CT PS
Attendance 10% Classroom Observation Sheets 10% Microteaching Lessons 30% . Tutorial -------- 10 . Remedial -------- 10 . Enhancement ---- 10
Instructional Materials 10%
Journal Writing 20% FS 3 Portfolio 20% === 100%
FIELD STUDY 3 Assessment Tool
1. Guide questions for classroom observation
2. Rubric for micro-teaching plan
3. Rubric for journal writing
4. Attendance record
a. Daily Time Record
b. Daily logbook on PST’s activities duly signed by the Cooperating Teachers
School Profile
(Cooperating School)
Cooperating Teacher’s Profile
Pre-service Teacher’s Curriculum Vitae
VMGO of the Cooperating School
Class Program
Class List
Seat Plan
Learning Content No. 1
The Teacher and The Learner
Teachers are an important part of the learner’s educational environment. Without them, the other elements of the educational environment would be ineffective, for they guide, direct, and stimulate the learners in their goal seeking (Bent, et al., as cited by Aquino, 1988).
The learner is the subject of the schooling process. Every learner is a unique personality. The teacher, therefore, takes into account his/her varied intelligences, interests, emotional stability and task-readiness along with his/her levels of aptitude and degree of maturity.
Teacher Observed:
Class Observed:
A. Observe the cooperating teacher. Make a written response for discussion about the following points: (Provide examples to support your comments).
1. Which of the teacher’s personal traits seem to have a favorable effect on the learning of the students?
2. To make learning experiences vivid and direct, what media were used in teaching?
3. Cite 2 specific teaching strategies that demonstrate active learning.
4. The teacher’s questions should encourage higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Cite 2 examples.
B. Observe the learners. Make a report covering the points in the following questions
1. Describe four (4) observed talents and skills of the learners as demonstrated in the class.
2. Cite 3 different observations about how pupils presented their output.
3. What percent of the learners were inclined to provide answers when the questioning techniques below were used?
Learning Content No. 2
Checklist of Learning Resources in School and the Use of Technology
Technology in teaching is the development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve the learning process.
In the classroom, this refers to the utilization of learning resources such as overhead projectors, audio-visual displays, recorders, computers, LCD and internet facilities to improve the effectiveness & efficiency of teaching, and enhancement of learning.
In this activity, Technology refers to the observed learning resources/materials utilized by the cooperating teacher and PST to enhance process.
Grade/Year and Section:
Direction: Check whether the following learning resources of the cooperating school are available. Give a brief description of those that are available.
Learning Resources in the school
Learning Resources observed to be Used in the classroom
1. 1.Library
2. Reading Center
3. Audio- Visual Room
4. Media Center
5. Computer
6. Bulletin Board Displays
7. Teaching Aids Bank
8. Overhead Projector
9. Laser Compact Disc (LCD)
10. Internet Facilities
10. Flash Cards
11. Word Card
12. Pictures
13. Print outs
14. Activity Sheets
15. Others:
( specify)
Learning Content No. 3
Microteaching is a scaled-down teaching encounter in which the teacher focuses on a group of 3 to 7 learners. It aims to enhance the knowledge, skills or understanding of the identified learners. FS 3 is done during regular class hours or outside the regular class hours through tutorial, remedial, and enhancement teachings.
The Pre-service Teacher must know their subject matter and use appropriate tutoring skills such as explaining, demonstrating, questioning, giving feedback and checking understanding. The PST must develop and utilize instructional materials appropriate to the microteaching lesson.
Pre-service teachers need to identify where students have difficulties. From here, they will interpret, explain and demonstrate the relevant points.
CTs should identify the focus of the enhancement activity for this purpose. The Pre-Service Teachers should demonstrate a particular strategy in presenting the lesson. After the first enhancement teaching, evaluation follows. The lesson shall be improved and adapted in the second enhancement teaching. Selection of teaching materials should also be improved to suit the needs of the learners.
Teacher Observed:
Class Observed:
1. PSTs will Observe Modes of Microteaching: Remedial, Tutorial and Enhancement
A. Observe carefully the microteaching of the cooperating teacher and answer the following questions:
1. How were the pupils/students selected?
2. How was the class/group organized?
3. Describe the activity and the process used by the teacher?
4. What were the objectives of the Micro-teaching activity?
5. How do you know that the pupils/students learned?
Learning Content No. 4
Microteaching Planning Guide
A microteaching guide serves as a plan for effective tutorial, remedial or enhancement teaching. It guides the direction that the micro teacher will take. It helps create purposeful teaching-learning activities that will enhance the learning skills of the target learners.
The Microteaching guide is a scaled down version of a lesson plan. It includes the following parts: a.) objectives, b.) subject matter, c.) instructional materials and d.) learning activites, which include motivation, activity proper and wrap-up.
Class Observed:
1. Plan and implement a microteaching learning guide.
2. Develop microteaching skills under controlled conditions.
Ask the CT to assist you in preparing a Microteaching Plan. Use this checklist to assist you.
1. Does your Microteaching Plan have:
a. Objectives
b. Subject matter identified
c. Instructional materials listed
d. Learning activities sequenced
e. Activity proper developed
f. Wrap-up identified
2. Are your objectives stated in behavioral terms?
3. Are your activities learner-centered and interactive?
4. Does your plan include a section for reflections on Microteaching sessions by you and by your CT?
Learning Content No. 5
Microteaching Planning Guide
PPT Observed:
Class Observed:
1. Observe the Microteaching demonstration of the Pre-service Teachers.
2. Evaluate the Microteaching process of the Pre-service Teacher.
3. Evaluate the appropriateness of the selected teaching materials used in the mirco-teaching lesson
Observation Guide for the Cooperating Teacher:
A. Observe the three microteaching demonstrations of the pre-service teacher and comment on the following:
1. Did the pre-service teacher attain his/her objectives in teaching his/her part?
2. Was the time allocated for teaching sufficient?
3. Check () the blank before the statement that demonstrates the PSTs attainment of the following competencies in applying technology in teaching:
_______a) prepares instructional devices that are appropriate to the learning content
_______b) develops and uses materials involving students in meaningful tasks
_______c) selects teaching aids that suit the needs of the learners _______d) uses appropriate audio-visual displays
_______e) evaluates the effectiveness of visual displays
4. Cite the strong points of the microteaching demonstrations.
5. Give recommendations to improve/enhance the microteaching process of the demonstrations.
Observation Guide for the Pre-service Teacher:
B. Self evaluation of the pre-service teacher in micro-teaching.
Reflect on your three Micro-teaching activities.
1. Cite evidence that you attained the objectives of the lessons.
2. Which of your three micro-teaching sessions was most effective? Why?
3. Did you utilize instructional materials appropriate to your microteaching lessons? Comment if necessary.
4. Cite strong, weak points and recommendations for improvement.
a. Strong Points
b. Needs Improvement
c. Recommendations for Improvement
Signed: PST …………………………………
Journal Entry No. 1
Communication Skills
A. After observing the communication skills of the teacher, what are the implications for the teaching-learning situation?
B. Describe 3 different ways the teacher communicated with pupils. Do you think each was effective? Why?
C. Cite two questions asked by the cooperating teacher which develop higher level of thinking skills. How did the learners respond to them?
Journal Entry No. 2
On Micro-teaching 1 and 2 (Tutorial and Remedial Teaching)
A. After conducting your first micro-teaching, (tutorial) what are your realizations?
B. After being aware of your needs in the first micro-teaching, cite two improvements that you will apply to Micro-teaching 2 (remedial teaching).
C. Cite instructional technologies used in microteaching. Did it improve students’ learning? How?
D. What should be improved in your remedial teaching? How will you address these?
Journal Entry No. 3
Strategies Used in Micro-teaching 3 (Enhancement Teaching)
A. Micro-teaching 3 includes enhancement teaching. It demonstrates a practical strategy in presenting a lesson. What specific strategy did you apply? Describe it.
B. What difficulties did you encounter? How did you address these? What insights have you gained from this experience?
C. Did the use of instructional technology improve your teaching strategies? If yes, how?
Journal Entry No. 4
Child-Friendliness in Teaching
A. As a micro-teacher, did you treat all children fairly with regard to the following:
(Provide evidence of this).
1. Gender
2. Preferred Learning Style
3. Cultural Origin
4. Multiple Intelligences
5. Learning Ability
B. Cite 3 insights you have learned about becoming a child-friendly teacher.
Appendix 1
Rubric for Reflection/ Journal Entries
Rater’s Assessment Tool
Reflection journal entry includes PSTs learning experiences, judgments, performance and other insights gained in the course. Presents comprehensive description of worthwhile experiences, explains sound judgment on personal strengths and weaknesses anchored on many theories learned. Presents very clear description of worthwhile experiences, explains sound judgment on personal strengths and weaknesses anchored on some theories learned. Presents some description of worthwhile experiences, explains sound judgment on personal strengths and weaknesses anchored on few theories learned. Presents few description of worthwhile experiences, explains sound judgment on personal strengths and weaknesses.
Presents no description of worthwhile experiences, does not explain sound judgment on personal strengths and weaknesses.
1 - Needs Improvement (75-79)
2 - Developing (80-84)
3 - Satisfactory (85-89)
4 - Proficient (90-94)
5 - Excellent (95-100)
Appendix 2
Rubric for Student Teaching Portfolio
Performance Level
1. Components include cover page (with name, title of unit, dates taught) table of contents, reference, list of appendices.
All components are included and clearly marked.
All components are included.
Some components are missing.
2. Organization follows the requirements.
Organization follows the requirements correctly and completely.
Organization follows the requirements.
Organization does not follow the requirements.
3. Words processed; grammatically and mechanically correct
Words processed, edited and obviously proofread.
Words processed with few grammatical and mechanical errors.
Words processed but with many grammatical and mechanical errors.
4. Neatness and creativity
Presentation demonstrates neatness and creativity in all areas and pages of the portfolio
Presentation demonstrates neatness and creativity to some extent.
Presentation is neither neat nor creative.
5. Completeness of contents
Contents are all completely filed and submitted.
Some contents are missing and are disarranged.
Most of the contents are missing and/or disarranged.
6. Promptness (Working Days)
Student portfolio is submitted on time.
Student portfolio submitted up to 2 days after the deadline.
Student portfolio submitted 3 days or a week after the deadline of submission. Appendix 3
Pre-Service Teacher’s Micro-Teaching Rating (for CT and Practicum Supervisors)
Raymond L. Ampo
1st Semester, USeP Tagum
July. 25, 2013
Subject Taught:
Math I
Cooperating School:
La Filipina Elementary School
Direction: Check the box below that corresponds to each item. Legend: 100-95 Excellent 94-89 Very Satisfactory 88-83 Satisfactory 82-78 Fair 77-72 Unsatisfactory
Items to be Rated
Very satisfactory
I. Micro Teaching Planning
A. Objectives were stated in behavioral terms.
B. There was congruence between:
1. Objective and subject matter
2. Objective and teaching Strategies
3. Objective and assessment strategies/tools
II. Teaching Methods
A. Method/s used was/were suited to the needs and capabilities of the students
B. The pre-service teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her method to the students’ capabilities.
C. Audio/visual aids and other example of instructional materials were used to illustrate the lesson.
D. The Pre-Service Teacher used varied assessment strategies and tools.
III. Classroom Management
A. The pre- service teacher has a systematic way of checking:
1. attendance
2. exercises and Drills
3. performance – based tests
4. passing in and out of the room
B. Order and Discipline were present in the room.
C. Audio/Visual Aids and other instructional materials were within easy reach of the teacher during his/her teaching.
IV. Communication skills
A. The teacher spoke clearly with a well-modulated voice
B. The teacher is free from mannerism or physical defects that tend to disturb the student’s attention.
C. The teacher’s personality gains the children’s respect and attention.
The pre-service teacher’s strengths are:
Comments/suggestions for improvement
Final Rating (Tick me) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Rated by::
Appendix 4
Rubric for Micro-Teaching Plan
Performance Level
Very Good
Needs Improvement 77-72
Planning Guide
The plan has complete component parts. All objectives are behavioral, learner-centered and very interactive.
The plan has component parts. Most of the objectives are behavioral, learner-centered and very interactive.
The plan lacks one part. Some objectives are behavioral, learner-centered and interactive.
The plan lacks important parts. Most of the objectives are not behavioral, learner-centered and interactive.
2.Microteaching Method and Strategies
Microteaching process has very good motivation, activity proper and assessment tools.
Microteaching process has good motivation, activity proper and assessment tools.
Microteaching process has basic motivation, activity proper and assessment tools.
Some steps in the process needs improvement.
3.Use of instructional materials /technology in microteaching
Teaching materials are properly selected that best suit the needs of the learners and the subject matter.
Teaching materials are selected which suit the needs of the learners and the subject matter.
Teaching materials were not quite selected to suit the needs of the learners and the subject matter
Teaching materials do not suit the needs of the learners and the subject matter
4.Management and Learners
The teacher is very child-friendly and applies democratic style
The teacher is child-friendly and applies democratic style
The teacher is not so child-friendly and rarely applies democratic style.
The teacher is not at all child-friendly and does not apply democratic style.
Glosary of Terms
Conference – an activity conducted by the TEI Practicum Supervisors which serves as a general orientation and workshop for the pre-service teachers for them to know what are the things to be done and expectations for the course.
Cooperating teacher – normally, a classroom teacher of the cooperating school who is directly responsible for the mentoring, monitoring and providing needed assistance to the pre-service teacher. He/she may also be called a mentor.
Effective teaching indicators – refers to the seven (7) criteria of effective teaching: Student Centered Learning, Active Learning, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) incorporation, Addressing Diversity, Authentic Assessment, and Problem Solving.
Microteaching – refers to tutorial, remedial and enhancement teachings conducted outside the class hour period.
Tutorial Teaching - a mode of microteaching that applies appropriate tutoring skills such as explaining, demonstrating, questioning, giving feedback and checking understanding. This applies to slow and average learners.
Remedial Teaching – a mode of microteaching where the teacher identifies the student’s difficulties. From here, he/she will interpret, explain, and demonstrate the relevant points. This is applied to slow learners.
Enhancement Teaching – a mode of microteaching where the teacher demonstrates a particular strategy in presenting a lesson. This is applied to average and fast learners.
Microteaching Guide – a plan for effective tutorial, remedial and enhancement teaching which consists of the objectives, topic or subject matter and learning activities. Post-conference – an activity conducted by the cooperating teacher to give feedbacks or assessment or evaluation of the pre-service teachers’ performance.
Instructional Technology - is referred to instructional materials used for micro-teaching like flashcards, word cards, pictures, transparencies, CD’s, PowerPoint presentation, cassette recorders/karaoke, print outs, activity sheets, movie rolls, diorama and other improvised indigenous teaching aids.
Pre-service teachers – refers to University/College student of a Teacher Education Program who are enrolled in the Field Study Courses and are involved in the school and classroom observation and management skills, and participate in the in the micro-teaching, team teaching and other practicum activities.
Technology – a process, product or system that enhances a situation or event..
TEI Practicum Supervisor – refers to University/College faculty who is directly responsible in the supervision, monitoring, and support to the pre-service student teacher in their on/off campus school experience.
Acero, V.O., et al., (2004). Principles & Strategies of Teaching. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Arabit, P.D., et al., (1993). Handbook on Student – Teaching Classroom Management. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore.
Aquino, G.V. (1988). Principles and Methods of Effective Teaching. Manila: National Bookstore Inc.
Barry K. & King L. (2001) 3rd ed. Beginning Teaching & Beyond. Katoomba. NSW. Social Science Press.
Bernardo, A. (2005). Motivational & Affective Factors in Learning. BEAM Pre-service Workshop. USEP. Davao City.
Boiser, D.C. (2004). Teaching Made Easy: Strategies & Styles. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Danielson, C. & Abrutyn L. (1997)). An Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom. USA: Virginia: Library of Congress cataloguing-in-publication Data.
DepEd RO XII Teacher Performance & Development Handbook
DepEd and UNICEF (2005). Is your school child-friendly? A Self Assessment Guide.
Leus, M.J. et al (2001). Windows on Success in LET CORASIA.
Lucido P.I. & Borabo M.L. (1997) Educational Technology.Quezon City: Katha Publishing Co., Inc.
Photo Documentation 1
Tutorial Teaching
Photo Documentation 2
Photo Documentation 3
Enhancement Teaching
Photo Documentation 4
Other Photo Documentations
FS 3 Monitoring Sheet
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