You are expected to apply a reflective framework of your choice and support your reflection with appropriate references.
This piece of reflection will focus on my experiences whilst on practice placement; I will be using the (Gibbs 1988, cited in Jasper 2003) model of reflection. Gibbs cycle is set out in order of categories made up of different headings (See appendix 1). By using this cycle it allows me to reflect in structured and effective way. The subject of this reflection will cover the development and utilisation of interpersonal skills in order to establish and maintain therapeutic relationships in a forensic setting.
Neal (2003) states a therapeutic relationship can be described as being between nurse and patient and is based on patients’ needs for care assistance and guidance. It is a relationship that is established solely to meet the patient’s needs and is, therefore, therapeutic in nature.
Chambers et al (2005) suggest that interpersonal and therapeutic relationships are at the centre of nursing work. The relationship that exists between nurse and patient can often provide the energy and be the catalyst, the motivation and the source of strength to continue with treatment or face difficult and sometimes threatening situations.
On placement, I felt the need to develop therapeutic relationships with the patients so that they could feel they could put their trust in me and realise that I was there to listen and talk to them. There is also a need of good interpersonal skills when forming a therapeutic relationship.
Cutcliff (2005) states that you can gain comfort from drawing on your interpersonal skills such
References: Birrell, J., Thomas. D., Jones. C.A. (2006) Promoting privacy and dignity for older patients in hospital. Nursing Standard, Vol 20; No, 18: RCN Publishing Company. Bridge, W Hinchliff, S., Norman, S. and Schober, J. (eds.) (2003) Nursing practice and health care. 4th ed. London: Arnold. Jasper, M McHugh Schuster, P. (2000) Communication the key to the therapeutic relationship. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. Mental Capacity Act 2005 Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended 2007). TSO. London Neal, K Peplau, H. (1998) Interpersonal relationships in nursing. New York: Putman. Cited in Hinchliff, S., Norman, S. and Shober, J. (eds.) (2003) Nursing practice and health care. 4th ed. London: Arnold. Riley, J. B., Kelter, B.R, Schwecker, L.H. (2003) Communication: cited in Cutcliffe, J.R. and McKenna H.P. (2005) The essential concepts of nursing. London: Churchill Livingstone. Widang