Over the years as my condition improved, I began to immerse myself in the Crohn’s community. I made friends with countless people who have struggled more vigorously than I could have ever imagined with their own diagnosis’. Yet, these people were unashamed, proud, even, of their Crohn’s. I volunteered, fundraised, and spread awareness with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA); I attended IBD summer camps; I interned at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Over the years as my condition improved, I began to immerse myself in the Crohn’s community. I made friends with countless people who have struggled more vigorously than I could have ever imagined with their own diagnosis’. Yet, these people were unashamed, proud, even, of their Crohn’s. I volunteered, fundraised, and spread awareness with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA); I attended IBD summer camps; I interned at Nationwide Children’s Hospital