Reflection refers to the process of learning from experience. In order to learn effectively we need to address our experiences and tailor them to our needs. Spalding (1998) stated that reflection has three main learning phases. The learning opportunity, the gathering and analysis stage and the changed perspective.
Boyd et al (1985) suggest reflection to be an: ...important human activity whereby people recapture their experiences, consider them and evaluate them '. Reflection has been strongly advocated by the UKCC (1996) and a wealth of nursing literature during the last decade, with the aim of improving practice via a structured means of identifying, reviewing and making sense of relevant practice knowledge (Conway 1994, Jarvis 1992, Palmer et al 1994).
Gibbs 's (1988) cyclical model contains six stopping points as shown in the diagram below, each point on the cycle being associated with a key question. This reflective essay will use the Gibb 's (1998) model to understand a learning experience from my time on placement within a rehabilitation ward as part of my common foundation year
The ward environment I was working on was a very relaxed, small and intimate ward for individuals needing intense rehabilitation due to or following a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The ward consisted of an eight bedded in patient facility with a 200+ out patient facility. Based on the ward was a full multi-discipline team consisting of nursing staff, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers and community out reach nurses along with physiotherapists.
Prior to attending my placement I was both intrigued and apprehensive with regards to the purpose of the unit and the work carried out there. I had previously never experienced this kind of environment so was eager to familiarise myself with the purpose and philosophy of the setting. The situation gave me an opportunity to be able to
References: Boyd D et al (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. London, Koogan Pope. Conway J (1994) Reflection: the art and science of nursing and the theory practice gap. British Journal of Nursing. 3, 3, 114-118. Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford, Oxford Further Education Unit. Jarvis P (1992) Reflective practice and nursing. Nurse Education Today. 12, 3, 174-181. Spalding N.J. (1998). Reflection in Professional Development: A Personal Experience. British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. Vol. 5, No. 7. The NMC code of professional conduct; standards for conduct, performance and ethics. (2004). London. United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (1996) Position Statement on Clinical Supervision For Nursing And Health Visiting. London, UKCC.