Pharisees vs. Sadducees vs. Hellenization
Platonism vs. Stoicism (Note how each influenced early Christians)
Traditional Jewish Christians vs. Hellenized Jewish Christians
Gentile Christianity vs. Jewish Christianity (know how the conflict was resolved)
Characteristics of Eastern Christianity
Ethiopian Orthodox Church (unique characteristics of)
3. Why Church History a. Build Community and Identity i. about the story of what makes the community who they are b. Garbage collecting i. Heresies – False teachings c. Instrument of Liberation i. break oppression d. Source of theological creativity and practice in empathy i. live in the world we study ii. study it like a story iii. knowing how to walk in the shoes of somebody else
4. Brief review of the Old Testament Era: Six historical periods a. Settlement
i. settled in a region near the near east Israel. People of Israel, the jewish nation, have not always been in Israel. They settled there. ii. the people who called themselves Hebrews settled in this region b. Amphictyony
i. the book of judges. Documentation that each of the 12 tribes had judges that ruled over them ii. the various tribes are being victimized by gentiles iii. movement among the tribes to come together with one king iv. their first king was saul, then david, then Solomon
v. Israel was never more than a second rate power c. United Kingdom d. Civil War i. the northern tribes left the southern kingdom ii.. Jeruselem is in the southern kingdom iii. southern part of Israel is Judah iv. Israel north, Judah south v. Samaria becomes the capitol of the northern kingdom e. Assyrian and Babylonian
i. Assyrians philosophy was in order to keep the Samarians in line was to make them assyrian and marry them ii. up in the north they weren’t good Jews f. Persian Era i. Persia conquered Babylonians and set them free ii. Persians