It was not until this class that the words “Church Administration” crossed my mind. In our church, Bible Baptist, those words are not mentioned, nor has there been any teaching concerning church administration. There certainly have not been any sermons or classes preached or taught on this topic.
Probably in churches that have less than 30 active members these words would not be heard. This is the case with our church which could be an indication that we are still operating and functioning in ways that would not be considered the model for today’s church.
Today, megachurches continue to be on the rise since the movement began in the late 60’s. More churches are merging just to stay financially afloat. This could
be a result of poor administration. Charles Tidwell (1985) states, “Studies by seminary curriculum, committees and others continue to show that the biggest problem area for church leaders, specifically ministers, is their inability to relate satisfactorily and effectively to people. This is a serious flaw. It is not unique to church leaders. It is evident in most sectors of society, if not all. The typical minister much prefers to spend his time and energies doing those parts of his work which he does alone, without consultation with other persons. While these aspects of his work may be said to be principally and eventually for people, the people are not present in the flesh, to be led by the minister, or to be persuaded or educated to concur, to work, to give, to serve. The work of the church increasingly requires working with people” (p. 35).
I know that his is the main insight that I have gotten thus far. It is an eye opener that I need more education in this area.