In this essay I will be writing about my own experience in working within a team, linking in Belbin’s Theory. This includes the importance of teamwork, how different roles can be formed and managing conflict. Followed by a summary of how the group and team working techniques can be improved.
The importance of team work includes working efficiently with everyone within the team by making sure individual’s needs are listened to and communication is virtuous within the team. For example having regular team meetings to ensure that team members are confident with the task they are undertaking. This was done effectively within my team as we assigned a team leader and approached them whenever help was needed. …show more content…
This way team members got the areas which they enjoyed and were confident in doing. A conflict occurred over the amount of workload individuals had and this was overcome by the team leader allocating the same amount to each person and making sure everyone understood on what had to be done.
The problems which we faced as a team was meeting up. This was due to some members being on campus and others being off campus, having to travel long distances to meet up. This was overcome by the suggestion of meeting up after lectures or seminars to discuss any problems and see how well the group is doing. One member within the team was given the responsibility to design the layout of the presentation. All members sent their work to one member via email. This is so there was consistency within the presentation along with work getting done quicker rather than having the presentation being sent around, resulting to time being lost.
Belbin Team Roles are used to identify people's behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. This information can be used to:
• Build productive working relationships
• Select and develop high-performing …show more content…
Teams can become unbalanced if all team members have similar styles of behaviour or team roles. If team members have similar weakness, the team as a whole may tend to have that weakness. If team members have similar team-work strengths, they may tend to compete for the team tasks and responsibilities that best suit their natural styles.The way we have used Belbin’s Theory is by allocated each team member with a specific role in which they were good at. This was by looking at strengths and weaknesses. This helped us complete given tasks quicker and more effectively. There are 8 roles which include shaper, implementer, completer-finisher, coordinator, team worker, resource investigator, plant, monitor-evaluator and