Using the NZNO Reflective Writing Guideline (Appendix B), I will contemplate on the critical event, reflect on my experience, reevaluate the situation, and delve into areas which need improvement. Awareness of my capabilities through this reflection will help my growth as an RNFSA. Description
As the surgical first assistant, the anaesthetist and I transported Mr. W to the PACU. During this transition from the intraoperative to the postoperative phase, I endorsed the surgical process and patient’s postoperative condition after the anaesthetist’s handover.
Initially, the patient was somnolent and could not be roused through verbal stimuli. After 3 minutes, Mr. W was restless and tried pulling the oximeter probe off. He was yelling and was pushing the side rails. He was not responding appropriately to the PACU nurse’s instructions. This alternating somnolence and agitation manifestation went on for several episodes. …show more content…
The PACU nurse and I provided padded side rails for patient safety. I assessed the wound sites for any dehiscence as the patient was moving aimlessly and tried pulling everything that irritated him. The patient had no reaction to the touch on the surgical sites or a grimaced expression as sign of pain.
With my past experience with an agitated postoperative patient with a full bladder, I, then, palpated the patient’s suprapubic area. This was when I elicited a moan and a verbalization from the patient that the area was sore.
Armed with this evaluation, I informed the anaesthetist and suggested an in-out catheterization with which he