Part 1
In the past four weeks, my study group members and me had took part in three negotiation simulations. The first one is that we are Newcastle local car dealer and want to sell used car to Japanese international student ( other group ).In this negotiation simulation, we keep our price first, let other group know the market price of this kind of car and let them give the price in their mind, then base on this price we give a 25% higher price with 1 year volunteer to them.In this negotiation, our strategies is Let the other party bid.( Benton, W. C ). Though in Then in the next week negotiation simulation we play a famous person Ltd versus Stephenie Meyer, and ask booksellers spread our book.At this time we tell booksellers what we want first and regard this advace as lowest line.Finally, we got much more than what we want $1.2 million as royalties and $20,000 contract signing bonus. In this negotiation simulation, the strategy we used is giving out what we want and increase the price step by step.(Clark, Ruth Colvin).But in this negotiation our group member have some problems in interaction. The price of what we want is not deal down, so in the negotiation we have some mistakes in talk with other group. We have to make good communication next time. In the week ten we made another negotiation about resort redevelopment in Hinchinbrook Island. We are Japanese developer, At first we do not make a good communication with each other group member , so there are many mind about the contract payment and employment problem in our team. After noticing this problem, we hold a short meeting to unify the mind in those problems. Then we made a deal very quickly with other group. First year , we pay $20 million as contract payment;Give profit to local community from 1% to 5% in next five years and after five years leave 5% profit to local community each year. We also must employ 40% resident who correspond our requirement and promise to