Description of what happened
I was given the scenario where I had to assit a patient who had injured their hands and where unable to feed themselves. As I approached the patient she was sitting upright in a chair with a hospital gowan on. I began by introducing myself as the nurse letting my patient know I was going to be feeding her today. According to Sully & Dallas (2005) our first encounter with a patient can be crucial for the therapeutic relationship to continue therefore introducing yourself is imperative thus I continued to communicate with the patient in a frenidly manner. I placed the food tray on the table along side the patient. I proceeded to clean my hands with the alcohol rub before I sat down in front of the patient. I asked the patient would she prefere to start with the yougart or the biscuits. The patient decided to start with the yougart.
What were my feelings
As I sat outside reading over my scenario my first thought was a happy thought as I am a mother to two children to whom I have feed through their infancy therefore I felt very calm, When I introduced myself to the patient I was feeling confident until I realised I never washed my hands before I placed the tray along side the patient when I thought about it I started to feel self conscious but could not dwell on the fact and contined to adressress the patient in a polite manner. As from that point I started to feel very anxious.
Evaluation of positives and negatives