Lin Lu 12030734
Reflective practice is a process which we can stop and think about our practice, consciously analyse our decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what we do in practice.
There are four main stages of reflective practice process. The first stage is planning that reflect on requirements and also the purpose of the work. The second stage is acting which is the commencement of work include research and design. In this stage we can get reflection on action. The third stage is observing what happened and evaluate the work have done, and then get refection on refinements. The last stage is reflecting that shows reflection on project, the reflection feeds back into the action, experience gained through previous work will effect the decisions on new projects.
Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) – this encourages a clear description of the situation, evaluation of the experience, and analysis to make sense of the experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again.
Therefore, critical analysis and evaluation refocuses our thinking on existing knowledge and helps generate new knowledge and ideas. As a result, we can modify our actions, behavior, treatments and learning needs. Make time to write down the reflections, as this process often helps clarify thoughts. This will also give us some written evidence to share with others.
McNiff outlines the relationship between research and practice most succinctly: ‘The process of research becomes the practice, and because we are involved in a research process of thinking, evaluating and acting, the practice is a form of research.’
In the reflective practice process I will keep a diary and use support tools to help me get reflection from practice. When I done over a period of time that I will choose to set aside about experiences that I focus on a particular part of project or use a particular type of treatment.
After that we can