Module 4 Jacqui Brooks
Professionalism and Reflective practise.
In order to answer the question for this assignment I am going to discuss the ways I use reflective practise. I will compare and contrast three models of reflective practise Donald Schon, Brookfield and Kolb.
I constantly use “in action” reflective practices which are then followed by “on action” reflective processes as suggested by Donald Schon. I teach Health and Social Care and Vocational Studies to learners, aged from 16 years, ranging from E2, to level one.
Subject specialism is very important in Health and Social Care as the industry is evolving constantly.
I worked within Health and Social Care for over twenty years in day centres, hospitals and residential …show more content…
care as a support worker and house manager.
Subject specialism and reflective practise are very useful as I am able to use practical knowledge and scenarios to embed learning this has helped to improve my teaching and relationship with the learners.
Boud (2001, p.
1) “Looks at journal writing as a form of reflective practice, that is, as a device for working with events and experiences in order to extract meaning from them.” I don’t write a journal but do make notes on my lesson plans that encourage me to reflect on the strengths and needs of the lesson delivered. I evaluate how my teaching impacted on the learners as a whole group and also as individual learners. In planning my lessons I ensure that I use differentiation in order to meet the needs of learners. Learner’s needs may/will change I therefor need to have contingency plans in place such as extension exercises or different methods of teaching that I can …show more content…
A class I am currently teaching have diverse needs and need information to be delivered in different ways. The first couple of weeks teaching the learners were a challenge as I was not aware of their individual needs I constantly had to evaluate my teaching methods through in action ( thinking on my feet )reflective practices (Donald Schön 1983). At the end of each lesson I ask the learners what they have learnt, what they liked and disliked about the lesson. I also ask them what they could have done differently during the lesson. This is all recorded in their personal learning journals. While they are writing their journals I reflect on the lesson I have delivered and make notes. I always ask them if there is anything I could have done differently to support their learning as I feel this builds on a positive teacher learner relationship.
I then use both mine and the learner’s accounts to form my next lesson plan and practices. This supports Schon’s on action reflective methods.
Brookfield suggests that we only see what we want to see and that by looking through four lenses of reflection (autobiography, our student’s eyes, our colleague’s experiences and the theoretical literature) we are able to reflect from all angles of the learning experience.
As a lecturer I feel that I need to be aware of the student’s experience of learning as well as the impact my teaching has had on their learning journey. By looking through each of the lenses (as suggested by Brookfield) I am able to see the bigger picture and therefor make changes to my teaching practices in a holistic way. My mentor and peers encourage me to constantly reflect on my practices after they have observed lessons I have taught therefor looking through the lenses of colleagues.
Kolb’s theory reminds me that reflective practices are a constant evolving experience and can be done naturally within teaching and on reflection outside of the classroom.
Klob’s Cycle of experiential Learning is a method I use in conjunction with Brookfield’s theory of reflection through looking through the lenses suggested by Brookfield.
As a lecturer I strive to engage the learners and hold their attention. This is sometimes a challenge however when learners bring previous negative learning experiences and personal problems into the classroom. Through getting to know the learners and by building positive professional relationships I am able to preempt some of their negative behaviours. I constantly reflect on how I manage learners behaviour in class and am able to encourage effective study and work skills with the co-operation of the learner and through the support of the college disciplinary procedures.
Learners are very aware of the classroom rules and objectives of each lesson. Each learner has personal targets and goals set by themselves lecturers and personal tutors. I have further developed the target setting for a class of E3 Vocational learners. I will discuss this in detail further on in the essay.
I have high expectations of the learners and encourage them to also have high expectations of themselves. I do this through positive process constructive feedback in all aspects of their learning experience, for example “you have been really focused in class today, you have not allowed yourself to be distracted by others by doing this you have completed all your work”. I am aware through reflection which learners respond positively to verbal feedback in a quiet manor and those who like to be publically praised.
1. Good Communication with Parents
A great teacher maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
2. Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards
A great teacher has thorough knowledge of the school's curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
3. Knowledge of Subject Matter
This may seem obvious, but is sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the material interesting for the students.
4. Passion for Children and Teaching
A great teacher is passionate about teaching and working with children. They are excited about influencing students' lives and understand the impact they have.
5. Strong Rapport with Students
A great teacher develops a strong rapport with students and establishes trusting relationships.
I think back to scenarios in the classroom when the group looks too tired to see another power point, or the group aren’t engaging, you have to think on your feet. I think this isn’t going well, why, what I should do to change this. This all happens so quickly in my head that I never took time to realise I am reflecting constantly.
Think of a recent learning experience. Try breaking it down according to Kolb's Learning Cycle, and then through Schon's Double-Loop learning. For instance, you criticize an employee in front of his peers and he quits the next day. You've lost a valuable employee. In Kolb's Cycle, break it down as follows:
Concrete Experience: You criticize employee and he quits.
Reflective Observation: The employee must have felt very angry and embarrassed to have been dressed down in front of his peers, and other employees probably felt threatened.
Abstract Conceptualization: Employees should be reprimanded in private.
Active Experimentation: You reprimand the next employee privately.
Whereas with Schon, single-loop learning may lead to the same conclusion, but double-loop learning might show you that reprimanding employees is much less effective than using positive reinforcement and incentives (you questioned the underlying strategy and goal of the reprimand practice as a whole).
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with four lenses being our autobiographies as learners and teachers, our students eyes, our colleagues experiences and theoretical literature. This theory I work very close to more now than ever, I have learned there is only so much you can learn and reflect on by yourself. Brookfield’s theory expands the ways in reflecting. Wilson (2009, p. 249) said “Brookfield suggests that sometimes we only see what we want to see and should look beyond our own beliefs and expectations.” This corresponds with everything I have learned recently, if you only look in your own lenses it is true you can only reflect on what you see. I recently have used the lenses of another peer and my students to help me reflect and evaluate my lesson. This has given me a lot more ideas and has actually given me confidence as I think when you reflect you can go down the other direction of being too critical on yourself.
Kolb’s learning cycle is the last reflective practise I am going to discuss; Kolb’s way of reflecting shows how it is a continuous exercise and a constant room for improvement. I use this theory when I am writing in my journal with how I look back at it and then to think of ideas with how I am going to do to improve on the lesson next time. (Starting point teaching entry level geoscience, 2012) explain Kolb’s theory in great detail and had a useful diagram:
Kolb’s theory is a clear way of understanding deep continuous reflection; I believe Schon’s theory works parallel to Kolb’s theory when reflecting On-action Wilson (2009, p. 249) opinion corresponds with mine “On-action…A more analytical and thought-out process in which future practice is amended. This is very similar to Kolb’s opinions.” Both these theories are very useful and very much needed but Brookfield’s theory I think is my favourite as it helps you to look outside of the box and use all the resources you have to become a better teacher.
Professionalism in this industry is one of the most important things but for some teachers it is not the easiest. Some rules as a professional teacher are coached in to us constantly like following the Code of Conduct, Equality and Diversity, being part of the Institute for Learning (IFL). These things come hand in hand as your job role but what about the deeper things that make you a professional teacher like being polite, having good morals, having good relationships with your students. These are very important attributes to being a professional but they are not in place as a teacher just because you have a teacher status. I believe this is where a lot of teachers and organisations can go wrong, according to scales et al (2011): “Teachers in the lifelong learning sector are encouraged to think for themselves as professionals, but people don’t just become or behave professionally just because they are told to.” Scales et al (2011 .p.1)
This is where as a professional you have to be able to recognise you are not going to just be able to do everything well at the beginning and you need to work and have help by other peers to become the professional you want to be. This again is why reflecting is so important, peer observations and getting yourself observed which again is why Brookfield’s theory is my favourite. I have learned so much from these three things, my main lesson so far is being a confidant teacher. Being confident in what you are doing is very important to being a professional and then a lot more attributes to being a professional can follow.
Professionalism isn’t the only thing I need to follow it is dual professionalism which is why you must always be up to date with your Continual Professional Development (CPD) every year with IFL. According to (The Institute For Learning 2011) “IFL has worked with a number of other professional bodies to showcase the work of our members, their route into teaching, and the role of CPD in their dual professionalism.” For teachers in the beauty industries we have to follow are Professional Code of Practise and do an amount of beauty industry hours a year to show we are up to date in are specialist area. Combining being up to date in your specialist subject area and as a teacher is very hard, however this is the one area I am confident in. I still work in a beauty salon so I am confident in my specialist area which has been a big help to my teaching. I have noticed how much it has helped me and made me realise that maybe later on in my career when I may be just teaching that how vital it is to always know your subject specialism.
Subject specialism has been a big area we have been looking at in this module I took part in the Learning and Skills Improvement Services (LSIS) subject specialist workshop which was specialised in Beauty and Hair which I found very useful. From doing this module four and using all the different reflective methods I have learned that I can come across a bit un approachable, my main target this module was to try and relax more as a teacher and for students to see be as a fun teacher while still keeping that control over the class, trying to get that balance. From the subject specialism workshop I wanted to take back from it some fun activities, to help in force a bit more fun in to my lessons. When I went to the workshop I learned loads of fun tasks to help in gage and challenge the learners, there was one activity that I really liked and chose to embed it into one of my lessons.
As I am still working in a salon teaching my students the practical is just second nature to me but when it comes to some of the theory I need to remind myself some of it again as it is not something I have had to use for seven years.
With this I chose a game from the LSIS workshop that will help me as well to feel more confident in that area again. I also wanted to challenge my learners a different way than just questioning so I introduced a fun muscle game. I first found a great facial muscle diagram ( Anatomy 2012) that I always think is a great way to see where the muscles are, seen on Appendix 1. The students do not get taught theory in my lessons however now I am teaching massage I wanted to bring in a game that will help their theory side but also how they perform there practical. I put my learners in to groups of three, they had a list of ten facial muscles, post -it notes and a pen. This was a race to write the muscles down on the post -it notes then stick them on the chosen person of where the muscles are on the face. They had ten minutes to complete the task, once their group had finished they had to put their hand up. When all the groups were finished I put a diagram up on the whiteboard and as a class and the groups we worked out the winner of who got them all right, then who got them all right and was the
Brookfield (1991, p. 43-4) notes that this is a common experience for learners: when asked to describe significant learning experiences, adult learners often cite challenging experiences that they were able to ‘survive’ resulted in increased confidence and a sense of satisfaction.
This task brought what was expected to the lesson a bit of fun, it also brought a bit of friendly competition to the class, challenged all the learners and mixed the group up a bit. I really noticed a difference with how the learners were putting their input into the lesson after the task. I made sure throughout the lesson afterwards I did question my students by asking what muscle is this by pointing to the area. Students seemed to be happier to take part as I think it reflected back to the fun game they had done earlier on.
Just from doing this lesson I have realised how more fun it is, not only for the students but for me to teach. I also realised a bit more with who is still struggling on the theory side by watching the groups when the task was taken place, I could see the students that weren’t giving as much input. This has been great for me to take note of those students that may need that bit more input. The thing I took from this game more than anything was to see the students that can be quiet to then see them get involved more, I have learned that a lot of these students work better when they are working in smaller groups.
From this lesson I am embedding a lot more games into my lesson and trying to in force more peer work so those students that are quieter to then help them get more confidence. For instance when the students are practising their facials, I get them to speak to each other with whatever massage movement they are doing and then say what muscle it is they are massaging.
My main things I have learnt from this module are just how important reflection is to become a good teacher and to use what you have around you to become better like your peers and your students. This again is using Brookfield’s theory. I have learned to have more fun teaching as long as it is beneficial for the lesson and it is still professional. I will also listen to my instance more when my brain is thinking ‘in action’ go with what I think is right when teaching and have more confidence in myself as a teacher.
Appendix 1
Biggs, J. (1999). “What the student does: Teaching for enhanced learning.” Higher education research & development, 18(1): 57-75. Boud, D. (2001). Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice. In English, L. M. and Gillen, M.A. (Eds.) Promoting Journal Writing in Adult Education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education No. 90. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 9-18.
Brookfield, S. (1991). “Grounding teaching in learning.” In Galbraithe, M. (Ed.)
Facilitating adult learning: A transactional process. Florida: Krieger, 33-56.
Brookfield, S. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco, CA:
Jossey Bass.
Hillier, Y. (2005) Reflective teaching in further and adult education. 2nd edn. London: Continuum.
Wilson, L. (2009) Practical Teaching A guide to PTLLS & DTLLS. London: Melody Dawes. Scales, P. Pickering, J. Senior, L. Headley, K. Garner, P. Boulten, P. (2011) Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Kirk.K. (2012)Starting point teaching entry level geoscience. Available at: (Accessed: 12 November 2012) Anatomy (2012) Avalaible at: (Accessod: 15 November 2012)
The Institute For Learning (2011) Available at: (Accessod: 15 November 2012)