Based on the feedback I received I could improve my essay but discussing about satisfaction theories and ways which lead to employee satisfaction. I could also discuss theories such as the goal setting theory, flow theory, job design and work environment. One of the major factors, which resulted in loss of marks, was the format and the referencing .I should have studied the correct way of referencing for guidance. It was pointed out that I did not critically analyze the question-Satisfied employees are more productive and thus was unable to answer the question properly.
In the lectures we understood that motivation and satisfaction are quite close terms. In Maslow’s theory of needs satisfaction of different needs leads to motivation and thus increase productivity.
Goal setting theory talks about setting objectives and motivating employees to achieve them. As organizational and individual objects are similar, achieving objectives lead to satisfaction and productivity.
Improving job design and work environment leads to satisfaction as employees feel a sense of belonging with the organization and thus work better.
Flow theory talks about doing what comes naturally to a person and also to do what a person likes. Providing an environment and providing work to employees which causes a flow effect increases productivity.
There are also different types of compensation i.e. financial and non financial which can help to satisfy employees. Some of these are training and career development. They help to meet self esteem needs of employees and also increase productivity.
Vroom, V. H. 1964, Work and motivation, New York, Wiley
Armstrong Michael 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
10th edition, Cambridge, UK, University Pr
Armstrong Michaels, Murlis Helen 2007. Rewards Management: A Handbook of
Remuneration Strategy and Practice. London. Kogan Pages Limited.
Bibliography: Vroom, V. H. 1964, Work and motivation, New York, Wiley Armstrong Michael 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice