Organizational Behavior Analysis for Week -6 Final
Ashford University
Organizational Behavior
BUS 610
December 22, 2013
Organizational Behavior Analysis for Week -6 Final
I will be talking about my current job as a Child Protective Investigator (CPI) also known as Child Protective Services (or CPS). This is the governmental agency that is tasked with investigating child abuse or neglect. The primary concern of a CPI is the safety of the child; they do this by assessing the risk involved. By weighing that risk the CPI has to make the decision rather to remove the children or child from the home or place services within the home that will allow them to function as a family in a more productive manner. Once the CPI has made the decision to remove the child or children, the next step in the process is find and create a plan that will eventually return the child to a more proficient and safer family environment. The CPI will assign the family to a caseworker who is tasked with developing a plan to administer to the parents that will educate them on better ways to care for the children and meet all their needs, and create and environment free from abuse or neglect. CPI’s deal with a variety of families, with different backgrounds, values, religions, cultures and beliefs, which have a bearing on the way they parent; this means that CPS has be flexible and understanding when it comes to dealing with the problems they face within these family structures.
The fact is that the American population is continually changing for many reasons such as; ethnically, culturally, racially, and linguistically based on the diverse populations that are a part of the US fabric. CPS organizations must create and implement a better and improving systemic change in order to understand and meet the needs of this diverse population of families. In this ever changing environment CPS must be even
References: (2012). Organizational Behavior. San Diego, Ca.: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.. Baack, D. (2012). Organizational Behavior. San Diego, Ca.: Bridgepoint Education Inc.. Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K. (Prentice Hall). Management of Oraganization Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. Englewoods Cliff, N.J.: . Kavanagh, M. H., & Ashkanasy, N. M. (2006). The Impact of Leadership and Change Management on Organizational Culture and Excceptance of Change During a Merger . : British of Journal of Managment . Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation [Review of the book ]. Psychological Review, 50, 370 - 960. Timothy, J., & Robinson, S. . (2009). Organizational Behavior (12th ed.) [Brochure]. Prentice Hall: .