Nicole Wilson has maintained familiarity with most of DHSS administrative policies, procedures and applicable rules and regulations throughout the year of 2016. Nicole has exceeded many of the established objectives for this job component. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated the importance of identifying eligible adults, determine risk during the investigation, formulate an investigative strategy, and identify needed interventions. Nicole has exceeded the objectives of adhering to eligibility requirements and time frames regarding hotline reports. Nicole has consulted with the supervisor regarding policies and procedures when unsure how to administer. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated knowledge of statutes, rules, and regulations as it relates to abuse, neglect, and exploitation and basic knowledge of home and community base services. Case specific Nicole was investigating a case in which the RA was being verbally and physically abused by her daughter who resided with the RA. Nicole was able to get other family members…
Evidential Stage – Ensure sufficient evidence to anticipate a realistic prospect of conviction against each defendant on each charge, and the jury will be more likely to convict as a result. The CPS will encourage police to use ACPO guidance to gather a wide range of evidence.…
Northern Virgina Family Service (NVFS) is a nonprofit organization providing social services to individuals and families in need. The organization has a history of community service and was originally founded in Alexandria, Virginia in 1924. From the simple beginnings of providing food, coats for children, and coal for heating, NVFS has grown into an organization with 15 locations in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties, and in the city of Alexandria. Commensurate with the growth in size, the mission of NVFS has also broadened. The mission of NVFS is “to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of life and to promote community cooperation and support in responding to family needs.” (NVFS Bridging Affordability, 2014, p. 4)…
Children are an important piece of society, their presence should be values and protected as they grow and mature. Children are unable to self-protect and are in constant need of their caregivers to provide their needs. When children need are unable to be by their parents, guardian and caregivers, then it is up to the Department of Social Services to assure that these needs are met and that these most vulnerable of citizens are safe at all times. Child protective services caseworker work tirelessly to assure this task is carried out and with the right agency supports this task can be enjoyable, meaningful and stress to the caseworker can be reduced. We have all heard horror stories of child protective services caseworker’s caseloads being…
A Maternity home in Michigan will need to be licensed under the same provisions as a child care or adult foster care facility. To open a group home for children or adults in Michigan are required to obtain the appropriate licensing through the Michigan Department of Human…
Focus: Jordan will maintain compliance with all rules of the home and school on a daily basis.…
The reporting party (RP) stated on 1/13/17 a visit was made to the foster home of foster child Kayley Melody Montoya DOB: 6/11/16. The foster mother Christine Reeves disclosed the foster child's currently weighed 10 pounds although she is 7 months of age. According to the RP the foster mother is providing the foster child with Similac a high calorie formula prescribed by the child's physician. Conversely there is no medical reason other than the child's premature birth; the child is not gaining weight. The RP is concerned regarding Kayley's weight gain or lack…
I interviewed a county worker with in-home supportive services. Mr. Rosen has been an advocate for years because his mother was mistreated in a home for the disabled. The support of the elderly provided by In-home supportive sources has allowed Mr. Rosen to keep his mother in the home and know that when he is gone at work she is cared for. As an advocate for the agency Mr. Rosen educates the public about knowing the signs of abuse the elderly face and speaking out against abuse. Mr. Rosen is an advocate for those who have no voice by continuously improving the standards of care givers and their responsibilities reporting a crime. Mr. Rosen explains that many of the elderly are neglected, can be taken advantage of, and mistreated by family or relatives. Caregivers have the knowhow and experience to detect abuse and put a stop to the cruelty.…
All Americans regardless of their economic standing in the community deserve access to essential and quality preventative, and primary healthcare. Those Americans who currently fall under the “publicly insured” category (Medicaid), and the medically uninsured, are at similar risk for delayed or non-existent required medical care. Establishing a free, 24 hour accessible Shelby County Primary Care Clinic would eliminate patient medical care delay, and result in large scale overall savings in projected annual medical care costs. (So You Want to Start a Health Center?, 2011)…
Have you ever been taken by (defects) foster care. Well, foster care is a temporarily arrangement in which adults provide for the child or children whose birth parents are unable to care for them. To determine whether Phony boy Curtis goes to foster care or stays with his brothers will have to acquires him of staying out of jail, correcting his bad habits, and having a stable environment. One way that Phony boy Curtis goes to foster care is that he will have to stay out of jail. There will not be any fights, but with the people who supposedly adopted him a least for about a couple of weeks or days. There will definitely not be drug realization, nor be in a gang related apparel, but if happens he will be took to a new home. The second…
Data was collected from two adolescents, one currently in foster care, the other previously in foster care. Each completed an online interview, lasting under an hour, that consisted of six questions (see fig. 1). Some personal details were edited with the subjects’ consent to protect their identities. The aim of the interview was to gain insight into individual experiences in the foster care system and compare them to popular conceptions and research. Subjects were asked to describe, to the best of their ability, their experience in the foster care system, ways in which its structure had impeded them, and their experience with mental health. Lastly, they were asked what changes they felt could be made to improve the system.…
Many professionals tried their best to help vulnerable children, and billions of dollars are devoted to child welfare. Not every case were success or fail in protecting children. As Myers (2009) stated, “the only time child protection makes the front page or the evening news is when something goes terribly wrong” (p. 462). For example, service provider fails to remove an endangered child or remove child who should not. Of course, public know about service providers failure to protect some children, and sometime under values the services of the…
This essay will identify a case I have been involved in and have continuously had to assess whilst on placement. It will refer to a child who will be identified as A. A is a young carer and has only recently returned home after being removed from his mothers care due to her having a substance abuse problem and mental health concerns. I will link the legal framework that was relevant to this case study and describe actions taken. Additionally these actions will demonstrate the application of social work methods and theories that were contributive elements in his intervention, offering explanations as to why these particular methods were used. Before closing, the essay will review any issues of discrimination with a reflection of the overall process of working with this child throughout the duration of my placement and end with a conclusion.…
HSC024: Safeguarding and Protection of individuals from abuse and harm. 1.1 In your answer from the workbook you completed, you described the following terms instead of defining them. Please review this section by defining each of the terms outlined below: * Physical abuse…
The results of the literature demonstrate implications for best practice and improving how professionals can ease the strain on foster parents. Foster parents are in a role where they are required to frequently engage with children who have experienced crisis need additional training and support (Taylor-Richardson, Heflinger, & Brown, 2006). Children coming out of crisis often externalize their trauma through emotional and behavioral responses, child welfare professionals should be effectively preparing foster parents to experience these behaviors and to cope with the experience. These implications place responsibility on the professional to properly prepare foster parents for their role and inform them of the risks as well as strategies to minimize risk of compassion fatigue.…