My placement is a charity organisation involved with the promotion of children’s wellbeing with intervention programmes such as mentoring, group work including focus sessions and after school activities. Funded by Wandsworth Council this organisation receives their referrals directly from children’s services or schools in which the children attend.
A is one of the children that I was allocated to mentor. It was thought that he would benefit from the services as a means of emotional support due to him being witness to his mother’s substance abuse and
References: Barlow J and Schrader-McMillan A, (2010). ‘Safeguarding children from emotional maltreatment.’ Philadelphia: MPG Books Limited. Department of Health & Education, (2000). ‘Framework for the assessment of children in need and their families’. [online]. Available at groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_4014430.pdf Department of Education. (2003). ‘Evert child matters’. [online]. Available at (Accessed 10th January 2013). Great Britain. Children Act 1989. Elizabeth II. Chapter 41 (1989). Lexis Library [online]. Available at Great Britain. Children Act 2004. Elizabeth II. Chapter 31 (2004). Lexis Library [online]. Available at Accessed 10th January 2013. Great Britain Great Britain. Local Authority Social Services Act 1979. Elizabeth II. Chapter 42 (1970). Lexis Library [online]. Available at Accessed 10th January 2013. HM Government, 2010. ‘Working together to safeguard children – a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children’. Department for children, schools and families. Howe, D (2010). ‘An introduction to social work theory’. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited. O’Loughlin M and O’Loughlin S. (2009). ‘Social work with children and families’. 2nd edn. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.