Part A
As Paul contacts a solicitor, he will be advised to apply to the courts for parental responsibility (PR) under s.4(1)(b). PR is defined as all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property s.3(1) (Brammer 2007 p.217). S.4(1)(a) of the Children Act 1989 allows Paul to acquire parental responsibility even when he is not married to Joan due to children’s jointly registered birth certificates. Paul may apply for s.8(1) orders such as a ‘contact order’, he may also apply for a residence order under s.11(4) hence acquiring (PR) (Brammer 2007 p.220). Upon receiving Paul’s petition, the court’s paramount consideration will be the children’s welfare s.1(1) (Hardy 1997 p.225). The court will consider s.1(5) ‘no-order’ principle and s.1(2) ‘non-delay’ principle and all parts of s.1(3) of the welfare checklist before making any legal decisions (White et al 2007 p.39). The ascertainable wishes and
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