Research suggests that there is an ongoing debate on what the term “poverty” means and how it can be measured. Where there seems to be a recurrent use is on the two most generic forms of poverty measurements as described in social policy literature, these being absolute poverty also referred to as subsistence (meaning a lack of basic necessities) and relative poverty, i.e. lacking of an acceptable level of resources or income as compared with others within a country (Cunningham and Cunningham, 2008).
The for and against discourse, of which measurement is most valid and how such measures are calculated, is beyond the scope of this essay. Nonetheless it seems that “relative poverty” tends to dominate whenever the measurement of poverty is discussed. Relative poverty tends to be associated with the principle that all individuals at some point in their lives require welfare (Denney, 1998). For instance, Townsend (1962) in his quest for the meaning of poverty, points out that poverty is a dynamic, not a static, concept. He opposes to poverty being an absolute state and, refers to it as relative deprivation. The point made is that the ongoing development of society, almost simultaneously, creates new needs for its growing population hence the benchmarks for poverty changes with time. Thus, the general principle should be that poverty refers to those individuals and
References: Adams, R., Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. (2009) Social Work Themes, Issues and Critica Debates, Hampshire: Palgrave Bradshaw, B Cunningham, J. and Cunningham, S. (2008) Sociology and Social Work, Exeter: Learning Matters. Davis, A. and Wainwright, S. (2005) ‘Combating Poverty and Social exclusion: Implications for Social Work Education’, Social Work Education: The International Journal, 24 (3): 259-273 Denney Dowling, M. (1999) ‘Social Exclusion, Inequality and Social Work’, Social Policy and Administration, 33(3): 245-261 Duncan, G Foster, L. (2011) ‘Older people, pensions and poverty: An issue for social workers?’, International Social Work, 54(3): 344–360 Mantle, G Monnickendam, M., Katz, C. and Monnickendam., M.S. (2010) ‘Social Workers Serving Poor Clients: Perceptions of Poverty and Service Policy’ British Journal of Social Work, 40: 911–927 Price, D. (2006) ‘The Poverty Of Older People In The UK’, Journal of Social Work Practice, 20 (3): 251-266 Rowlands, J Strier, R. and Binyamin, S. (2010) ‘Developing Anti-Oppressive Services for the Poor: A Theoretical and Organisational Rationale’, British Journal of Social Work, 40: 1908–1926 Townsend, P