The purpose of this paper is to discuss my personality type based on result from Jungian 16-Type personality assessment and will discuss in detail about my type, an ISTJ, and how it relates to an organization. Organizations consist of people who differ from one another in almost every dimension possible. Diversity certainly is a challenge that is here to stay. To manage the diversity it is of utmost importance to understand personality and related behavior. Equally important is to understand one’s own personality type. A study of personality becomes relevant to find that an individual’s functioning is affected by how one relates to the world, how one processes information, evaluates the environment and finally making decisions (Kroeger, Thuesen, & Rutledge, 2002). In the present paper an attempt is made to understand my personality type and its relationship with role efficacy.
My Personality Type: ISTJ
” A personality type is a category of people who exhibit a particular combination of psychological characteristics, the assumption being that combination is unique and distinguished the type of others” (Miller, 1991). According to Myers and Briggs theory there are 16 distinct personality types. The goal of knowing one’s personality type is to understand and appreciate differences between them. (Kroeger, et. al, 2002). My personality type is ISTJ and according to David Keisery ISTJ personality type will fall into a temperament category of SJ. ISTJ’s are briefly described as private, loner tendencies, organized, detail oriented, would rather be friendless than jobless, observer, focused, finisher, punctual, private, follows the rules, logical, analytical, and hardworking (“Sixteen Personality Types”, 2011). The following descriptions are different aspects of my personality type and how they work together.
Introverted (I)
A person with introverted preference enjoys peace, and likes to do things on their own or with one or two people. Introverts are
References: BSM Consulting. (2011) Information about the personality types. Retrieved May 21, 2011, from BSM Consulting. (2011). Portrait of an ISTJ. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from BSM Consulting. (2011). The four preferences. Retrieved May 20, 2011, from BSM Consulting. (2011). ISTJ Personal Growth. Retrieved May 22, 2011, from Keisery. (2011). Keisery Temparament. Retrieved May 21, 2011, from Alan, M. (1991). Personality types: a modern synthesis. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press Humanmetrics. (2010). Jung Typology Test. Retrieved from win/JTypes2.asp. Kroeger, O., Theusen, J., & Rutledge, H. (2002). Type talk at work. New York, NY: Dell. ISBN: 0-440-50699-9. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2009). Organizational behavior (custom ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall