It can be a challenge when I am training a coworker on a task and they start to do something different than I might do, my gut reaction is to scream “NOOO!” and quickly take over. That scenario has played out more than once. I have received the feedback multiple times that I am a perfectionist who often makes others feel less than competent because they do not do things my way. Over the years, I have gotten better at catching myself with this behavior, but I have not yet overcome it. Because I don’t want to come off this way, I often go the complete opposite direction and I give little instruction and constantly reiterate that the individual make the process their own. It is trial and error to find a good balance between giving the person what they need to be successful and stepping out of the situation when necessary, so they can take their own direction. I know I need to be more self-aware of my myself and more observant to other’s reactions to my actions. I want to be better at identifying other’s types and learning to adapt to them to be a better leader without losing myself at the same time. I do not have many questions about this week’s topic; I need more practice identifying and working with others who have a different MBTI than my own. For those I have worked with for a long time, I think I can make a good assessment of their type; but,
It can be a challenge when I am training a coworker on a task and they start to do something different than I might do, my gut reaction is to scream “NOOO!” and quickly take over. That scenario has played out more than once. I have received the feedback multiple times that I am a perfectionist who often makes others feel less than competent because they do not do things my way. Over the years, I have gotten better at catching myself with this behavior, but I have not yet overcome it. Because I don’t want to come off this way, I often go the complete opposite direction and I give little instruction and constantly reiterate that the individual make the process their own. It is trial and error to find a good balance between giving the person what they need to be successful and stepping out of the situation when necessary, so they can take their own direction. I know I need to be more self-aware of my myself and more observant to other’s reactions to my actions. I want to be better at identifying other’s types and learning to adapt to them to be a better leader without losing myself at the same time. I do not have many questions about this week’s topic; I need more practice identifying and working with others who have a different MBTI than my own. For those I have worked with for a long time, I think I can make a good assessment of their type; but,