sensing, thinking, perceiving), ISFP (introversion, sensing, feeling, perceiving), INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving), INTP (introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving), ESTP (extraversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving), ESFP (extraversion, sensing, feeling, perceiving), ENFP (extraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving), ENTP (extraversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving), ESTJ (extraversion, sensing, thinking, judging), ESFJ (extraversion, sensing, feeling, judging), ENFJ (extraversion, intuition, feeling, judging) and ENTJ (extraversion, intuition, thinking, judging) (Coetzee & Schreuder, 2010; Myers, McCaully, Quenck, & Hammer, 2003).
Wagner and Walker (1983) compared results from the MBTI, the Millon Personality Inventories, and the Enneagram Personality Inventory (EPI).
Recommended a fit between the enneagram type descriptions and the comparing formats on the Millon and Myers-Briggs inventories. The results indicated a Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient ranging from .76 to 1.00 for the nine types for reliability. The concurrent validity was highly significant for both the Myers-Briggs and Million scales and the nine personality types (Wagner & Walker, 1983). In figure 2.3 Richards (1997) presented a chart summarising the Enneagram Types and the MBTI types based on findings from combined data generated from a study conducted by Richards, Flautt and Baron (Richards,